So you have a dry spell, no sex/relationships for a couple months, then right when you find somebody who wants to be with you....EVERYONE wants to get with you, like wtf this happens to me all the time and I dont understand it. Is it that I have a bigger smile on my face when im getting vag?
feast or happened to me a lot over the years. Then you got to weigh the pros and cons of which one to pick. I tried dating more than one but it never worked out.
I'm confused as to why this is viewed in a negative way in your eyes.. Who complains about too much puss hole?
I think the dryspell part is the negative part lol but I just dont get why it all comes at once, and not in moderate waves lol
dating a guy that nobody else wants to date doesn't improve a woman's status. it takes that one exception to the rule who is willing to consider a single guy, then suddenly once one wants him he becomes a worthy candidate for the rest.
It's like poker, you can go hand after hand with crap and loose money, and then all of a sudden your luck changes and you start winning hand after hand. It's weird for sure... I don't like the idea of luck as I have a mathematical / logical mind so it doesn't really make sense to me, and yet sometimes it's just that...
This is true of women as well. I have gone a year before, but anytime I have an interest , there is always a couple more that pop up..... it is crazy, and I have no idea why but it is so true...... Maybe we attract when we feel sexual happy and confident!