Anyone have pets that they like to get high?

Discussion in 'Cannabis and Marijuana' started by Ocean Byrd, May 27, 2004.

  1. Ocean Byrd

    Ocean Byrd Artificial Energy

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    I know a girl at my school who owns 3 cats, one is named Blow, another is named Bud, I don't remember the other one's name, but we smoke them up whenever possible.

    I, myself, like to get my cat high once in a while; its funny to watch her play because she's more into it (stalks, pounces, etc.).

    Anyone else have a special furry friend that likes smoke blown their way every once in a while?
  2. Flav_cool

    Flav_cool Member

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    Wow, i wasn't sure if animals could get blowing exhaled smoke their way enough to get them high, and how would u know for sure if they really are high...they may not have the receptors for it in their brains like we do.
  3. Cosmo4

    Cosmo4 Member

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    I think it does get them high, and I'm pretty sure you just blow a hit directly on their nose and wait until they breathe a good amount of it in.. that's just what i've heard. i'm kindof scared to get my dog high considering she's old; she's 11..
  4. Ocean Byrd

    Ocean Byrd Artificial Energy

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    Oh, don't worry about getting your dog high, I smoked mine up for the first time when he was 13. Trust me, animals most definately get high; just blow some smoke their way or blow it directly into their nose and they'll get used to it.
  5. ScrewU2

    ScrewU2 Member

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    I stuck my cousins puppy Shithead in a box and made a hose out of a vaccum tube to blow the smoke in. The dog acted stupid for a while and passed out.
  6. Ocean Byrd

    Ocean Byrd Artificial Energy

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    lol, cats tend to be more playful and become even more layed back when they are high; hell, they'll even listen to music like they enjoy it.
  7. LuciferSam

    LuciferSam Member

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    Hehe my best friend's boxer hound loves pot smoke. He'll eagerly slurp it up from the air as we blow it out, it's hilarious. When he gets high he gets really energetic, I remember one time he spontaneously ran several laps around the house.
  8. Ocean Byrd

    Ocean Byrd Artificial Energy

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    Ya, sometimes animals like to run in circles, my cat is too lazy.

    Also, that is an awesomous name; Pink Floyd 4 life.
  9. twoseeeyes

    twoseeeyes Member

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    my dog use to up to the person who had a blunt barked until he got a hit. Now he's too old, he'll only settle for kind bud now lol.
  10. PeRrY

    PeRrY Member

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    My dog loves to get high.If theres a bunch of people in my house in the living room watching tv, He'll keep bugging us till we smoke with him, Like he actually knows what he wants. Whenever we take a hit we blow it in his face and he just sits there then rolls around on the ground, then after about 10 mins. he just sits down and mellows out.and its not like we do it to him against his will, cuz we dont hold his collar or nothing and maki him sit there.
    ^**oh yeah, hes a german shepard
  11. Happy_Go_Crazy

    Happy_Go_Crazy Member

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    I remember my dog got high this one time! I left 4 grams of pot out on the corner of my cd player because I was going to roll a nice joint. I quickly went downstairs to get a glass of water before I started rolling and than I come back in the room and it's gone! and my dog is sitting there wagging his tail and I was like "oh god! no!!!" :eek:

    He ate the 4 grams and it seemed to do something to him since he was acting stranger than usual!!! I'm glad he didn't get sick or anything.
    A lesson learned! never leave pot out around animals not even for a few minutes! they just might have a snack! :p
  12. cshroom

    cshroom Member

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    there was this one time that my lil' dog ate some shrooms. she ran around in circles barking at nothing in the yard. then she came inside to the water bowl and started chomping down on the water like she was trying to eat it. and when i looked into her eyes i could tell she was having visuals because her eyed were contantly shifting to focous on something very interesting to her. Far Out!!
  13. Tykn130

    Tykn130 Member

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    My hamster He gets so fucked up.haha and my dog hes cool when hes stone
  14. Peace_of_Pizza

    Peace_of_Pizza Member

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    I was over a friends house having a smoke watching American Beuty, and my friend left his weed on the table then his crazy dog just jumped up somehow and with incredible determination ate and swallowed it whole about 1/4 Oz For like 6 hours after his dog was lying around whining strangly trying to move somwhere but would just flop over it was funny as fuck we grabbed him and lay him on our laps then ahhhh
  15. reef

    reef Member

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    fuk yahhhhhh....
    my cat and i smoke out every morning. afterwards i cook up some food and give him some of his cat food haha.
  16. WeeDMaN

    WeeDMaN a pothead

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    we get my friends dog baked all the time, sometimes we hold the joint to his nose and he takes a hit.
  17. Civicwithawankel

    Civicwithawankel Member

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    My neighbour has a dog (no idea what kind) but we gave him some smoke one time when he was maybe 6-12 months old, and he just sat there beside us with his tongue out and real quiet and relaxed tho he's normally a very loud active dog that barks at everything... Ever since then whenever I go out in the backyard it seems like he wants more because he'll come to the fence and start barking at me and lick my hands when I pet him... well I've been around the dog all of it's life and I play with him whenever I'm doing stuff with my neighbour so maybe he just thinks I'm family oslt...
    Anyway imo it's wrong to force anything to get high ie put them in a box and fill with smoke, but if they like it then share the gift of nature...
  18. Ganjaman420

    Ganjaman420 Member

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    Cats love marijuana. My friends cat always claws at his stash because bud smells like cat nip so cats always go for it. They probally go to the smoke because it also smells like cat nip. or....they could just like getting high:)
  19. SweeperOfDreams13

    SweeperOfDreams13 Member

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    I think my dog is more of a pothead than I am.
  20. Ocean Byrd

    Ocean Byrd Artificial Energy

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    Ya, whenever I pull my cat somewhere to smoke it up, it always struggles to get free until I pull out my pipe and bud; then she just sits and waits for me to pack it and give her a hit.

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