Anyone from Sebastian, Florida?

Discussion in 'Florida' started by Peaceful_LotusFlower, Jun 10, 2014.

  1. Peaceful_LotusFlower

    Peaceful_LotusFlower Member

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    It's hard trying to make friends around my area. Is there any members on here who live in the same area as me. If so, please respond to this thread. :sunny:
  2. cactusmann

    cactusmann Member

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    Hello!!!! Spreading some love your way,Smile and try to think positive. I know how you are feeling.I live in Palm beach county and think it is so so so boring. Dont know how i lasted this long.I only go on this forum every year or so because no one is on here,but glad someone is here.Message me back .Love to be friends with you !
    Peace and love

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