Anyone freak out on a jerk lately?

Discussion in 'People' started by AmyC., Aug 24, 2005.

  1. AmyC.

    AmyC. Member

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    tell your "i freaked out" story here. Usually freak outs are prompted by assholes.
  2. KBlaze

    KBlaze Member

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    Or done by assholes.

    sorry, that's all, i don't have a story here.
  3. Bassist

    Bassist Gate crasher!

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    Let's see, now. I was waiting at a red light the other day, and it was one of those situations where I was turning left and had to wait for the cars coming from the other side before I could go. I had my signal on the entire time, and there was a row of cars behind me. *BEEP BEEP* -- *BEEP BEEP*. The impatience of others is mounting fast and is starting to get at me.

    So when I'm able to turn, I just flip them the bird and drive on....

    usually I would not do things like this. but hey, it was a bad day.
  4. AmyC.

    AmyC. Member

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    I had a similar situation... I was annoyed b/c this lady was at a 4-way stop and wouldn't go. She waved around 8 or 9 cars on... slowing down the efficiency of the stop... So I gave her a beautiful bird, right out my sunroof. She followed me. Almost to my house, but I was smarter than to go to my house. I stopped and she said something like, "I outta kill you, I have a gun in my car you stupid b*tch." I quickly backpeddled... knowing that I was dealing with an insane person. I apologized... and then when she drove off, I got her license plate number and called the police...
    the police took it VERY seriously, which made me a little nervous. Then, they visited her house...
    so, the moral is: BE KIND or get a bullet in your ass? ha ha
  5. Bassist

    Bassist Gate crasher!

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    I've learned my lesson. [​IMG]
  6. Jorma's Branches

    Jorma's Branches Member

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    I went out to eat with a friend and was already kind of grumpy, but it got worse. The waiter started off on the wrong foot by making a vegetarian crack as soon as he brought us menus. We just sort of gave him this look and he eventually got the hint. I needed some caffiene so I was bad and ordered a diet pepsi. Well, the waiter brought me a diet coke. Apparently they don't serve pepsi.
    It was at this point that I flipped out.
    I told him that a diet coke wasn't going to cut it (I mean, he should have told me that they serve coca-cola products and not pepsi products when I ordered), I wasn't going to pay for it, and that I wanted just a glass of ice water. He said he'd bring me the water, but I had to pay for the diet coke. That's probably about the time I asked for the manager and then went on about a ten minute tirade about how coca-cola is killing entire villages (by draining their water) in India and Venezuala, and that while pepsi is still a multi-billion dollar corporation, it's much friendlier to both the enviornment and to its workers. Pepsi, at least, hasn't had to cover up any union worker murders.
    In the end, I didn't have to pay for anything, the waiter apologized for the vegetarian joke, and the manager said he'd talk to his superviser about switching to Pepsi products.
    Bitchiness: an alternative form of protest.
  7. Zoomie

    Zoomie My mom is dead, ok?

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    This worked in Baltimore? Last time I pitched a fit like that I was tossed out of the Double T Diner in Catonsville with curses in Greek and told never to return. All over a baked potato with a rotten spot in it. When I sent it back they slathered some more sour cream on it.

    So now I eat at the Double T in Glen Burnie ;)
  8. Jorma's Branches

    Jorma's Branches Member

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    Yep. It worked. Well, I don't know if it worked. I suppose I will if they serve Pepsi next time I'm there.
  9. somethingwitty

    somethingwitty Member

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    I'm sorry, but that is ridiculous behavior. How the hell is the waiter supposed to know about your aversion to coke? I'm guessing that if you looked, somewhere on the menu it would have said they serve Coke products. If you think your bitchiness helped your cause you are severely mistaken, it only hurt it and made enemies.
  10. Zoomie

    Zoomie My mom is dead, ok?

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    Um, no sweety, if I go into a restaurant and order a pepsi, I expect to hear one of two things: 1. Sure, one Pepsi, coming up! 2. Sorry, will Coke be ok? If the waitperson can't bring this up when I order then he/she has failed to do his/her job. I prefer Pepsi for reasons of taste, not reasons of conscience. And if I order a Pepsi I want a damn Pepsi, not a Coke.

    If you went into a restaurant and ordered a baked potato and they brought you french fries, you'd send it back. They're both potatos but they're still a mile apart.
  11. Bassist

    Bassist Gate crasher!

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  12. somethingwitty

    somethingwitty Member

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    So what? So you get angry and nasty? Ya, thats very kind behavior. People make mistakes, have some damned compassion, be the bigger person. It's 1 cup of coke, not even worth the stree.
  13. mysweetisrael

    mysweetisrael Member

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    As a restaurant manager, I tell all our servers and bartenders to let our guests know that we serve Pepsi products. Pepsi doesn't taste like Coke, Diet Pepsi doesn't taste like Diet Coke, etc. If you went to a bar and ordered a Bud, you wouldn't want them to hand you an Old Milwaukee and expect you not to care.
  14. Zoomie

    Zoomie My mom is dead, ok?

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    Shove your compassion, I'm a paying customer. You don't like it, get an education and a better job.
  15. somethingwitty

    somethingwitty Member

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    Awesome, getting violent and personal. Whatever man, you're entitled to your opinion. You reap what you sow. I hope you're just here for something to do and not because you call yourself a hippy, or someone for peace, love and understanding.
  16. ZePpeLinA

    ZePpeLinA Jump around!

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    oh man that is so hippie-like...yeah the environment man...coke destroys the *ha*

    if you are so concerned about the enviroment shouldnt you find it in your heart to have some compassion for people who perhaps, did not have the chance to get an education and a better job.

    i sense some kind of snoberish hippism.
  17. AannaSolo

    AannaSolo Member

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    My children's father, but that's nothing new...
  18. Bassist

    Bassist Gate crasher!

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    Ouch. [​IMG]

    (not cool)
  19. gdhmomchild

    gdhmomchild Duct tape abuser

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    Ummm...she and her friend put up with the nasty cracks about vegitarians, and when she TOLD the guy that wasn't what she ordered (coke vs pepsi).

    He should have at that point apologized for the misunderstanding but what is inexcusable as a server, he should have just asked what she would like instead and exchanged it for a drink of her choice. He should NOT have insisted she was going to pay for something she didn't like and didn't order. That was when this escalated to her asking for the managaer. Had the freaking idiot just taken the coke, taken it off her tab and given her a damn glass of water, they would have had it resolved, she would still have been annoyed but would not have involved the manager. Managers would have understood an easy mistake like the drink.

    So I guess you are right. The server did indeed reap what he had sown. Since when does hippie mean being a doormat to rude people? She was well within her rights to say she didn't want coke, take it back and just give me water then. I ain't seen alotta peace, love and understanding outta you...guess yer here just forsomething to do eh?
  20. somethingwitty

    somethingwitty Member

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    1st, I haven't ever posted something about me going on a "tirade," yelling at someone, or anything close to that. I've questioned peoples opinions, but I've never once gotten personal, or insulted them as people, and I've always provided the reasons for my differening viewpoint. If I've posted something controversial, I always stick around to back it up and try to explain.

    She never said what the joke was, but judging from her over-reaction to a simple misunderstanding I'm guessing the joke was not something malicious or even offending. Besides, thinking that a multi-billion dollar corporation is going to be any more benevolant the other is ignorant. Look up Pepsi and Burma...then tell me if her rant was justified.

    Hippies don't have to be doormats, but going on a "tirade" over something like that is not going to help anything, and in reality she probably just came off as someone who was pissed off at the world, and the boss who might have actually repremanded the server before, now probably just took him aside and said "Always make sure to tell them it's Pepsi, but don't worry about it, that chick is crazy, I'll try to get her out of here."

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