Title says it all really. Ive noticed more "muscle definition" on the tops of my feet. I assume its from all the barefooting/flip flopping!
Yes! And more muscle definition elsewhere! (What do you MEAN this is the wrong forum? Isn't this....?)
Yes. And my forefoot seems a bit wider. Could be from muscle development or maybe a little more toe separation. Or maybe it's just my imagination. But my feet do seem to look and feel better the less I wear shoes. Hiking barefoot over uneven terrain seems to be the best foot workout.
Yep. Free toes grip and develop the musculature. Try sitting on a chair, kitchen or hand towel laid out, and pulling the towel to you with your toes. It's great exercise for them.
Yep and a sole that is well calloused. I also have noticed it seems to be a bit wider from the ball of my foot forward.
I bounce between bare, shod with very thin and flexible soles, my chaco sandals (pretty typical arch support, and Earth shoes, where the heel is lower. If I've been one for weeks and change, it is a bit tiring for a day or so. The larger the difference the more I feel the way my feet move. I can get sore calves. I lay the blame at change more so than the footwear or not choice.
If someones saying walking barefoot builds muscles in your feet up then what were those muscles doing when someones walking the same amount in shoes? atrophying?
Good, 'cause you've got nothing anyway. My feet are just as muscular after a winter of wearing shoes as the are almost an entire summer without... they're just paler lol There are plenty of shoes that allow your toes to spread and feet to move. Oh :banghead: yourself
agreed, tho i think it helps calfs and lower backs since that usually is a problem till the end of summer. but to each their own. On the other hand it cud be because i refuse to go out in the winter. i don't like cold and live on a steep hill and get tired of slipping and falling under the car i'm trying to get into.
Dunno about foot-wise, but since I've switched to zero-drop shoes, my calves feel stronger and more developed than before. It's not something I was aiming for, just a by-product of the switch.
The ball of my foot is definitely a little wider too. I assume thats from them being able to 'splay' out more as I walk. Its true it does wonders for the back too
Even before deciding to go barefoot as much as possible, I'd always had fairly broad feet, with a defined arch. Since going bare foot, I've noticed that my fore foot seems a little wider than before and that my arch appears more pronounced. My feet tend not to ache like they did when I wore shoes, which I've put down to the increased range of motion my feet have been allowed for the past two and bit years. Additionally, my balance has also improved. The skin on the soles of my feet isn't particularly callous, although I do feel it has toughened a little and I've also developed more padding upon the balls of feet, neither of which has particularly altered the sensitivity of my feet, since I still laugh as much today when my feet are tickled as I did before my decision to start going bare foot.
I've always preferred not to wear shoes, even when I was a kid I went barefoot whenever I could. So I don't really have any before/after comparisons to make. But yeah, my feet are more muscular, wider, and my toes are more splayed than the average shod person. Not sure if that's from barefooting or if my feet would have looked that way regardless.