Hey ya'll! This board seems a little dead but thought I'd put this signal out there. I've been studying Thelema for a few months now and looking to connect with people to just chat about Thelema and Paganism/Wicca as a whole. Blessed Yule to you all. )O(
i wore crowleys nemiss - held his heirophant's wand and met thelemites - they have bad vibe and they just like to orgy - they ain't shit - truth seekers can extract crowley's essence without joining a cult
93z Im down to chat, I follow several systems; Golden Dawn, B.O.T.A, Shamanism. Basically the whole onslaught of Hermetic Philosophy.
all the time i come across names i forget having heard, until i see something that reminds me. often the names themselves sound more interesting then what people have put with them. when i see a rainbow in the sky, i don't think of personalities that need names, but you know, how a lot of little drops of moisture don't need a king to form beautiful patterns.