Im from ohio... souther ohio to be exact near the zanesville area i will chat with ya if u want me to.. im a girl.. and i dont knwo if your a guy or girl though ash
Hey Kidswill, good to see you made it to the "new" forums. I'm still here in Columbus, unless this thunderstorm ends that.
Yeah, my brother and I drove back to Columbus from Boston a couple days ago, and we went through thunderstorms for the last 5 hours of the trip! Saw some amazing lightning, though...
Well im a female.. and from southern ohio... do any of you have any types of messaging systems? As in aim or yahoo or even msn?? I find it alot better to talk on.. *~::Ash::~*
Hey! I used to live bout 45 minutes from columbus....but am in Indy now. Always round ohio way tho *hugs and light*
Anybody in NorthEast Ohio? Ah, cleveland sucks. I'm a mama of two near cleveland.... I live with my happy hippie husband and two happy hippie kids, and a bunch of animals! We're the only hippies around, that we know of. Anymore hiding out there????? I'm looking for a great hippie movment to happen here, but I don't think it's going to happen.
YES! I am in North East Ohio as well. I'm inbetween Akron and Canton, not too far from Cleveland (45 mins to and hour away). Do you live in Cleveland or close to Cleveland?
I'm about 30 minutes west of downtown cleveland, about twenty mins. from oberlin! Hey, you guys interested in helping us with Peace Fest 2005? We're having it in ohio, and so far I am the only one actually in Ohio, so I could use all the help I can get. Come talk to us on our new forum. Feel free to email and/or IM me.
Man, that's sweet that this "Peace Fest 2005" will actually be in Ohio! I'd like to help, but I'm not sure what I can do... I mean, I'm only 17, and I don't have a band, so....
sam, most of the people I have helping me are 16 and under, and they don't even live in ohio. I'm sure you'll be able to help, somehow! Come chat with us, and I'll keep you in mind for when a job comes up for someone in the area.
im from ohio. im in lake county for the moment too. goin to the ledges this weekend then i dont know where im goin. hopefully some place fun and filled with women.