Since this is the first for president Trump, there's so much to consider. Will there be a Joe Wilson-esque "You lie" moment? Will all the illegal aliens the democrats pledged to bring as guests be arrested? How many times will the president's words be instantly assumed to be acts of racism? How many times will racism be used in the democratic rebuttal, er, uh, response? It's anybody's guess how it will go but I admit this might be as exciting as the debates. Only, I can't play cheap shots tonight, I have to be in the gym tomorrow with the dominatrix who makes me hurt myself with weights and tension machines. I'm not up for a full psychotic profile either, but this would be a dandy night for one. A bet I would place is that his speech will be interrupted at least twice. I am also willing to bet that as many as five people will be escorted out (one with a pie) and at least one banner will be smuggled in and unfurled from the gallery. Ivanka will wear something tastefully slutty (please oh please), RBG will fall asleep (ok, that's a sucker's bet) and at least a dozen democrats will stand during the speech with their back to the president. It will be glorious!
Interesting perspective on prisons and ex-cons. It will take a lot for me to see that as anything BUT lip service. I have a number of friends who have an F beside their name and it's a life sentence for them.
How can that be quantified when all he's doing is projecting for the future? It's the perfect game really. If it doesn't come true, his tea leaves were out of whack, hardly a "lie".
I don't care I dont think i've ever watched a state of the union address ...maybe the first one Bush did after 9/11, but those were strange times Are you guys really surprised by "beautiful clean coal"? Thats how he always talks.
coal can be clean with proper use of technology i'd be willing to bet repubs will be supportive and de-mocks will be nitpicking every single word he uses and Aye Knead Secks
It takes a very special person to love a Racist Narcissistic Pedophile who not only cheated on his wife with a high paid hooker, but sexually assaulted 14 women, and trolled the teenage beauty pageant dressing room to get a quick jolly
Yeah, takes a special kinda troll like you to try and drag me with you.. Sorry. looking at my pay checks .. supported by big business, I dont give a shit if he fucked your baby sister.
i wish he was canadian...we need someone elected here that can actually get things done..all we got now is a pothead ex drama teacher who floats around town taking selfies and gives millions away to terrorists