antithesis, I hade a weird dream that you were being mean to me on this bus. So I got mad and throw a broom at you. Then you picked the broom up and I started running. Cause I though you were going to throw the broom back at me... Then I hide in this room and locked the door.. Then you left. So yeah that’s what my dream was about last night.
lol, that is hilarious Jen! And just so you know, I would never be mean to you on a bus or anywhere else, you are too cool
thanks much. I just though that was kinda of weird. That I had a dream about you. kinda of random though.
I think it's extremely wierd that you are dreaming of people that you know online. Perhaps you should go outside and play for a while....
perhaps i will dream of you dreaming about it. and you can dream of me dreaming of you dreaming of it. now who wants to dream of antithesis dreaming of me dreaming of her dreaming of the sig?
and if yaz wer ta dream about ANYONE from the forums, and do anythin ya please with em, who would it be?! i'd love have a dream with mr herba, havin a big ship, doin some fishin, eye eye cap'n!
lol, now that sounds like a plan Marie, so yeah, who is up for dreaming about that? I've had some good dreams with forum members. I once had a dream that BraveSirRubin and I and Marie and a few other people were trapped in a cupboard. And I had a good dream with Pressed Rat one time, but I don't remember what happened in it.