Hi all, I have been on Zoloft or Citalopram for 20 years and I have a very low sex drive, I don’t have sex as I don’t have a partner and I only masturbate 0 - 2 times a week. I just don’t get horny very often. I’m thinking of changing my antidepressants and would like to read other guys experiences on these medications. Thanks
Understandable. My advice to you is to have only you and the doctor alone in the room. This should help with the shyness. Yes it will take a lot of courage to do so.
Sorry that this is happening. These links (to articles on HF) have some information about treating depression Conventional Treatments for Depression and Mental Illness Alternative Treatments for Physical and Mental Illness Self-Treatment Methods for Physical and Mental Health The decline in your sex drive might partially be caused by the medication you are taking, but also by age. You could try a different medication, but some of the alternative and self-treatments above may be able to replace your current medication, or allow you to reduce it. Please note however, any reduction in medication should only be done gradually and with the advice of the prescribing physician. Not ejaculating in the winter time at all might help improve your libido in other seasons. I hope something can help.
For me, antidepressants were only a small issue. But then finasteride for prostate issues and type 2 diabetes sealed the deal....no erections for the last 7 years. And I have a willing high libido partner....sucks.
I too was prescribed Zoloft and Prozac years ago and eventually stopped taking. Yes it absolutely effects every aspect of feelings including sex drive. My wife at the time hated it because I didn't have any highs or lows. No excitement, no disappointment, just ho hum.
Maybe you need to re-evaluate your diet. A Low Fat Diet Can Make You Angry, Irritable and Depressed Include fats and oils made in nature, not made in a factory. For better sex include Omega-3 in your diet .
i hope the people here will overcome these challenges. i will say that this probably wont fix your sex or pharmanceutical problems but it might jus help you relax and be happy: look up esther hicks on youtube really chill law of attraction speaker
I take St John's wort. After a doc put me on a trial to find the lowest side effect anti depressant, I researched it and did my own trial of St John's Wort, a strong dose for a week. I was happy and jovial. No side effects. He said it's because it raises the Seritonin level in my brain without nasty side effects. He cannot recommend them as a doctor but quietly advised me to keep on them. Could be worth a try. No libido lowering side effects BTW
Ask you doc about Wellbutrin. It's often used off label as a libido enhancer. I've taken it for years and am as horny as I was at 17. I've tried others years ago and they left me pretty flat and limpish - plus they were hard to get off of with the side effects. It kind of evens out the highs and the lows. It's also easy to get off of if you choose to do so without any problems. I also take L-Arginine, 500mg daily, not sure if it really does a LOT, but I don't want to stop to see...if nothing, it's a vasodilator good for blood flow/pressure and certainly doesn't hurt erection quality...