any other a sexuals here? People who are just completely uninterested in sex and relationships? Personally i find myself too incompatible and unusual to be with anyone, i like being alone too much and i enjoy silence
probably this too as im so reclusive. i get hit on alot, but i wouldnt want to put any real effort into a person. i feel like 90% of people are either too immature, too unintelligent, or too easily upset. on the off chance i did find someone enough like me i doubt they would be trying to find someone either, being in similar state of mind so it wouldnt connect
Yet you are on a forum trying to connect to people. It sounds more like you don't like people, not don't care about sexuality. Know thyself.
I'm asexual. In fact, the idea of having sex is very revolting to me. Problem is, I still want to get married so I'm not alone, but I want to keep sex and kissing out of it. Just have happy sexless marriage. Problem being I'll probably never find a similar minded woman.
Yep you got it I think barefootconservative might be a guy this time though But either way, whats the bet he/she doesnt tell the poor scmuch/schmuchess unitil after the wedding