We are in a serious slide backwards here... the Supreme Court's reversal of the Roe V Wade decision was the first - we will see more of this if it is not overturned and if our representatives do not support basic human rights - now considered constitutional. the right for a woman to choose what happens to her body, the right of every citizen of the country to have access to vote and the right of any American to marry the person of his or her or their choice. This election in NOVEMBER could be more important than 2020 - I feel strongly, as an independent moderate - that we must take a stand against the far-right Republican party and we should vote Democrat up and down our ballot - to show them how strongly we feel - even if we are registered as a Republican, I think this is how we must voite - to band together to send a strong message against people such as Mr Cruz.
we have a wa-03 congressman candidate running on that platform (surprise! trump ass-kisser) taht my company fetishises over, whichis part of why i'm leaving already voted; democrat down the ticket. gluskencamp-perez & horch are the two biggies that we need to get int ooffice here, their competitiros are too fuckin dangerous and unqualified to be electable never mind hold any office