Last Friday night....after WAY too many beers. Those Irish boys are a bad influence! I gotta quit trying to keep up with him!
Ive noticed alot about irish men and scott men... Not saying they are ugly in no means but cameras dont like them but the women adore them. Their eyes tend to do the old roll back in your head and their face tends to look the worst for those split seconds. I hate pictures so i can relate. I maybe look good in 5 out of 10 pictures. I should start a thread and show all the ones of me poseing with my mohawk if you remember the one i put up in the old hipforums. I put up the best one but jeeeezzz it took about 8 to get it right...
It's not because they aren't's because they're always drunk. I never take very good pics when I'm about to ralph all over the hot chick next to me...
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ PAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHA OMG...that was hilarious. i dunno if it's hilarious cause im havin a bad day and thats the only remotely funny thing that's been said today, or if it's really funny.....() anyway, thanks for the laugh.
After seeing some of these responses, I gotta say that I'm proud to be Irish. But i've also noticed that I'm not very photogenic, although I'm sure it doesn't haev to do with being Irish. I've seen plenty of Irishmen and Scots who are drop dead gorgeous. Ewan McGregor is one of my favorite Scots and he takes a wonderful pic. It might be the whole drunk aspect of it that was mentioned earlier. BTW, cute pic. Mono