The other day getting gas I noticed a sticker on the pump that stated that the gas was measured by volume (231 cubic inches per gallon) and that the equipment DID NOT adjust for temperature fluctuations and the amount of energy available per gallon is not consistent/guaranteed.. What that means is in hotter weather the gas has expanded and increased in volume and you actually get less gas in a gallon than in cold weather. The scam comes in when the oil companies increase gas prices in the hotter summer months. So they are in actuality dispensing less gasoline and charging more for it!!! Sure the claim is because people drive a lot more in the summer and the increase in demand BUT is it really because we have to re-fuel more often because we are getting less energy out of each gallon of gas that it seems as if people drive more!? They should sell gasoline based on why we buy it, for energy, and it should be metered out based on the amount of energy contained regardless of volume or chill the storage tanks to a consistent temp or simply sell it by weight.
agreed but a full tank of cold gas and a full tank of warm gas should get pretty close to the same mileage shouldn't they?....the volume of the gas going through the fuel injection should be consistent ......or not?
Yeah, but the amount being dispensed at the pump is different depending on ambient temp because they use volume flow meters in the nozzle. Those don't care if they are pumping molten lead or marshmallow fluff, they will still register the same volume as it passes the meter. So when you buy 10 gallons of gas and the temp is 45 F you are actually getting more gas BY WEIGHT than buying 10 gallons at 90 F. and yes a tank of cold gas will get you more miles than a tank of hot gas because heat makes things expand so you can literally fit more cold gas in the tank. the differences we see in a tank of gas probably aren't huge, not sure, but when you multiply that by the amount of gas sold worldwide on a hot day vs a cold day, it adds up to a lot of $$$.
Currently the price of a 42 gallon barrel of crude oil is roughly $53.oo which means the oil companies are selling it for less than the cost of bottled water. Its in their interest to normally keep the prices down to suppress any competition, and then raise the price through the roof whenever politically expedient. Merely by bribing locals or whatever they can pump the crap out of the ground practically for free. The real problem with local distributors using flow meters is that they sometimes add water to the gas which will eventually mess up your engine. Sometimes the local gas stations will also agree under the table to inflate the prices merely by all of them refusing to cut their prices. Price fixing is illegal, but so is adding water to the gas, so is bribing locals for drilling rights, etc., etc. etc. Its pretty much a Mafia kind of thinking and, for example, in NJ the real Mafia had one guy get a licence to distribute used crankcase oil for home furnace heating and another licence to dispose of toxic waste. For years he combined the two and killed or gave cancer to countless people. After serving time he went to Pennsylvania to do the same thing all over again. What we need is an altogether better alternative that cuts out all of these idiots in the middle trying to screw everyone and its actually is coming soon with the recent invention of commercial graphene supercapacitors and current development of cheap solar power and other alternatives.
I'm just completely guessing here, but I assume that since gasoline is still a liquid when it's measured, the amount of gas per gallon doesn't fluctuate too much based on a 40-50 degree external temperature change. I could be mistaken, and don't quite care enough to google it.
Sounds like a conspiracy theory. I did not hear about this on television, so I highly doubt what you're saying is true.
it might very well be a conspiracy theory, but to say that because you didn't hear it on tv, it is well... just as uneducated of a statement
depends more on ambient temperature (intake air temperature)...and coolant temp winter warm up uses way more fuel than a summer start also winter air is colder/denser so more fuel is injected to maintain stoichiometric ratio yay all that college and i finally got to use that word in the real world
Naw, no conspiracy theory, just simple science which anyone with an education should be able to grasp, so I understand your confusion.
True, on a person by person basis it isn't much,maybe ounces, but when you multiply that by the billions of gallons of gas being dispensed daily, it can add up fairly quickly.
For comparison, ice has about 7% more volume than liquid water and we are not talking about converting a liquid into a solid. Just a guess, but we are talking about something in the range of 3-5% difference which doesn't sound like much, but certainly adds up if you buy a lot of gas. Your body is mostly liquid and, by physics standards, there isn't any real difference between the density of your body and salt water. A little more salt in the water, like the dead sea has, and you just can't sink at all.
I was always under the impression that the difference in the price of gasoline between summer and winter months is because of the way gas is produced depending on the season. In colder months gasoline producers switch to a cheaper winter blend. Gasoline for warmer weather is more difficult to produce, which accounts for the difference in price.
Buy a bicycle, then gas prices won't matter. Better for your body, better for the environment, easy to park.