This time it's in the navy ship yard in Washington D.C.. There has been a mass shooting every month in the U.S. since 2009. And the reason it keeps happening is because the NRA owned republican party keeps blocking any and all gun reform laws. If it turns out to be a foreigner, the republicans will blame terrorism. But the real anti-American terrorists are republicans.
This is probably an over-simplification. You are likely right about the terrorist comment. I wonder if it was a member of the Navy who is responsible for the shooting. That is a high-security base, supposedly.
This isn't near the same Subject, youfreeme. He's trying to blame Freedom fighters like me, whereas, it's obvious his massiah Obama and his Government Henchmen know more than they're putting off, and this is just creating fear to get support for more pointless gun control. You Liberals are so brainwashed that you think a world where citizens can't defend themselves is ideal. Government is just as likely, if not more to go crazy and abuse those powers. Obama drone strikes 100's kids, and then turns around and calls this a "tragedy" like he hasn't done it 200X over, overseas!!!
Sig, you don't know me. You say all this shit about you were in the Army. That's fine- But, it doesn't make you a freedom fighter, either. You actually took an oath to the Constitution, does that mean the public should hold your feet to the fire, when push comes to shove? People who defend and uphold the American Rule of law today, when the government/media itself wont, are the true freedom fighters.
I never said I was in the army, Stp. Another example of you not actually reading what I post. Yeah, ok, you're a "freedom fighter". A "freedom fighter" who doesn't actually fight. When push comes to shove, Stp, I strongly doubt you'll be anywhere near the pointy end of things.
sad. we live in a shit society. why is this accepted or a norm? Or thought as inevitable? JPN people don't shoot each other up. :]
By JPN, I assume you mean Japan, and it's culture doesn't have it's inhabitants shoot each other up. That's partly do to the fact that they are a collectivistic society, while the U.S.A. is a individualistic society. (Note: the above have typos I know, hopefully you still understand me) --- In trade off though, the Japanese kill themselves with bureaucracy that has resulted in a nuclear meltdown because nobody spoke up and challenged their bosses because of the hierarchy...take your method of death...bullet or radiation.
Ehhh, it isn't an entirely unknown phenomenon in Japan.
those are probably 2 of the 6 instances in the last decade or two. I'm bs'ing the #s, but JPN really does have only a handful of crime like this. Near all citizens (and cops) don't operate guns. Americas individual society (i think) drives everyone against each other too much. Competition to shit on others and show your shitting-on-others (this is called 'strenght') skill. It's no wonder everyone's so angry and on edge.
eh, I guess it all depends man. Personally I don't feel like I am competing, nor can I say I have met any universally angry or on edge people. Not saying they aren't out there though. Personally, I think Americans are weak, and that is why we see shit like this.
I think its sad that mass shootings don't even shock me anymore. I used to feel horrified for days after reading something like this, now I hear about it and immediately shut it out of my mind. Too many crazies in this world to keep up with..
What about non republicans that oppose any and all gun reform laws? Does that throw a wrench in your simple construct?
His premise though was that it happens less with less frequency than it does it the United States though. And overall generally speaking he's right. --- My common sense tells me that this problem, the economic situation, and the correlation to gun crime we see, has become cyclical. Meaning the more desperate people get to keep a roof over their heads, $ for medical treatment for loved ones, the more we see the crazies come out and do this kinda drama for attention. The # of crazies also goes up because those who are desperate, do desperate things, and if this is a disgruntled employee, well there's your motive.