In a deal reached with the US last month (who in the UK knew this) Priti Patel, the scumbag 'nasty party' Home Secretary has managed to sell out every single UK citizen to the US - bastards !!! UK citizens 'at risk of death penalty' in US under new government deal
Your posts that put down the political party that you do not like with these name-calling threads add very little constructive narrative coming from yourself? Why is that? You are awesome at calling them names and posting links.....
And in this case hasnt even been passed into law yet From the article: "However, it had not approved by parliament before dissolution, ensuring it will be a controversy when the new crop of MPs gathers after the election on 12 December."
Falls under the US's CLOUD act US is currently negotiating a similar arrangement with the EU So another reason the leave the EU if you want out of this, EU would have sold you out on it anyway
"Nasty sell out" Well, that's just basic typical politics. Currently, British politics is horrific. We're no longer voting for which party is best for the country, instead we're strategically voting to ensure certain parties don't win an election majority. Which makes a complete mockery of humanities greatest civilised invention that we call democracy. Labour is a through and through 1000% no chance. Corbyn and Abbot are an absolute and utter disaster, if it wasn't for those pair then Labour would stand a chance, but then people are still forgiving the Labour party via Tony Blair the absolute utter war lord who should be hung, and yet the rich elites are paying him to educate their offspring. Go figure. Vote labour, really?... Labour are no longer a party for the working classes in any way shape or form, the working classes are irrelevant nowadays as they are drowned out in silence in fear of being called racist, bigots, xenophobes, uneducated idiots, being out-bred of their own homes and towns by foreigners willing to do work for far less money, often cutting corners in living standards and health & safety laws. Who cares though.
Owen Jones on Twitter I think you are proven correct about johnson. He sounds like he doesn't give a flying you know what about anything. What a disgrace
Ironically the Tories got labeled with the Nasty party while all along it turns out Labour were the Nazi Party. Whodda thunk it ?
You have obviously got Bad Vlad off to a T roll, and very perceptive you are. The guy is just a bitter and twisted Marxist poor sad person loser who is prone to rant like that on his pedestal. He reminds me of the hell and damnation preachers one sees in the high street standing on a creaky wooden pallet. And nobody listens to their shite either!