But someone probably already beat me to it. Okay this one is an app. Or as we used to call them, a computer program. Software. Which reminds me, I remember the days when we had to explain to people the difference between hardware and software. Anyway, this is for phones, X Boxes, or whatever. After watching my son's kids play games on their phones for hours on end, and only being able to stop them by grabbing the phones out of their chubby little hands and screaming at them I got the idea. What this country (and the world) needs is a timer app that would shut down a phone or game system after a parentally controlled time span. I say 1/2 hour. Then the kids can't access their device until they go play outside for awhile. Password protected of course. Also it would be Bluetooth enhanced so I could shut their devices down from my phone by remote control...at will. Millions of dollars here folks. I need a programmer to split my profits with.
Which only goes to prove it was a good idea. Unfortunately they beat me by less than a year. Again, a day late and a dollar short.
someone should invent a coughing cloth that is cheap ...you cough into it and it immediately kills whatever cold and flu germs/viruses might be there
A marketing pro gave me some advice once: 'There may be a gap in the market - but is there a market in the gap?'