Another fun climate change thread

Discussion in 'Science and Technology' started by Vanilla Gorilla, Jan 7, 2019.

  1. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    It's the rapture!
  2. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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    The IPCC are at it again I see

    Leaked IPCC Report Warns of Calamitous Future for Oceans

    Melting Ice is going to cause droughts and floods, and if that isnt enough melting ice is now going to release a crapload of CO2

    A hundred fold, not just a ten fold, a hundred fold increase in the damage caused by superstorms. Because just saying 10 fold wouldnt get any attention
  3. Holly1272

    Holly1272 Members

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    This topic is so complicated it's crazy. There is so much to think about and so many variables that I feel trying to plan and mitigate climate problems is almost impossible.

    If we want people to stop having kids, it's going to get ugly. Which people are we talking about? I mean, in nearly every single white country, population growth (from whites) has been balancing out even or decreasing. So we would have to put more emphasis on other races to stop reproducing - or at least the other races that do so in the developed countries that produce the most pollution... and we all know what will happen if we try that. You won't hear the end of "racism,", "supremacy," every weird attack in the book. So then what else can we do? Should countries halt immigration in order to make sure more people don't adopt first-world, carbon producing lifestyles until the population decreases? I think the easiest way not to anger everyone and start a war would be to hurry up on more efficient forms of green energy, considering we are still kind of in our infancy with it.

    On a more positive note, I also don't think that all the future predictions of climate aren't going to be anywhere near accurate. Meteorology is so darn difficult on its own right. We can't even predict with accuracy what will happen a month front now, let alone in half a century. So many variables will change right alongside the Earth's average temperature. For example how much carbon the ocean will absorb, the way the Earth eliminates extremes by balancing out over time, etc. You know how when you're downloading something, it will say that the speed of the download is 'x' at the moment, then it jostles up and down now and then? I see the same pattern in the weather. I feel sometimes that people take a very general snapshot of that speed and predict what the future will look like if it stayed at that exact speed. I personally hypothesize that it won't be that way down the road. :p

  4. MeAgain

    MeAgain Dazed & Confused Lifetime Supporter Super Moderator

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    Comparing climate models to the speed of downloading of data on the net isn't a valid comparison.

    Download speeds vary becasue of shared network and web usage, electrical interference, wifi blockages, and process concurring in your device.
    It has nothing to do with collecting scientific and historic data and extrapolating predictions.

    Climate models are based on thousands of data points and applying them mathematically to energy balance models, intermediate complexity models, and general circulation models.

    Energy balance models:
    Intermediate complexity models:
    General circulation models:
    Climate models are tested by Hindcasting. The models are asked to predict events that have already occurred. If they can predict the past, they should be fairly accurate for the future. They have done so.
    Climate models have also predicted the future accurately as in the case of the Mt. Pinatubo eruption, Arctic warming, stratospheric cooling, etc.
  5. lode

    lode Banned

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    Human population isn't directly a large contributor to CO2. We just need to move from fossil fuels and certain agricultural practices.

    Climatology isn't meteorology.

  6. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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    Lolz, thats what the little download graphic does though, Hindcasting measures current speed then adjusts the estimated future speeds on what is now past events.

    You just basically said to her comparing a linear computation isnt valid.

    Then said to her climate models are based on linear, polynomial then recursive computations
  7. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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    Sure it is, short term and long term trends overlap, they are not mutually exclusive

    Lolz on the video by the way, nothing says climate expertize like a guy that does tv specials about cosmology
  8. Driftrue

    Driftrue Banned

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    The Earth is good at staying in balance, humans are not. The Earth staying in balance probably means an epidemic wiping out half the human population.
  9. TrudginAcrossTheTundra

    TrudginAcrossTheTundra Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Yeah, we were told we were going to run out of petroleum by sometime last century. And we were told the world would be uninhabitable by sometime last century. And yet it seems cleaner now than then but the alarmists are still at it.

    You've been assimulating good info and thinking rationally. We don't know how big a concern climate change really is. How much is natural progression and whether there's truly a catastrophe on the near horizon is speculation which varies among credible people. Some folks want to go against the Bible just because they don't want to be responsible and yet the Bible calls for us to be good stewards of the land. If we're concienctious we want subsequent generations to prosper, and that necessitates using the land to our advantage responsibly.

    There's wind, solar, and hydroelectric power to be harnessed, and technology there supporting to be developed. We should move forward in a controlled responsible way, in budgeting and assessing the environmental impacts to which even these "clean" options can contribute. But all that won't add up to enough power to satisfy demand so we need to also be developing nuclear power which is clean and compact.
  10. MeAgain

    MeAgain Dazed & Confused Lifetime Supporter Super Moderator

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    If you say so, but it doesn't involve thousands of data points dating back thousands of years accumulated over the last hundred or so years.

    If you choose to believe that estimating download speeds is the same as climatology, have fun.
  11. TrudginAcrossTheTundra

    TrudginAcrossTheTundra Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    The weather reports showed the record highs for the last three days to have been set 20+ degrees above average in 1900.

    I guess that was an earlier global warming / climate change disaster.

    How much CO2 was mankind producing in 1900?

    All that traffic, industrial mayhem, power plants, ...
  12. There's also the environmental impact of these technologies. Landfill operators are being presented with aged wind turbine blades made of polyester/vinylester and glass fibers. The size alone means they can't be tossed into a standard crusher. My opinion is that they are simply too big. But that's how utility companies work. Any technology they adopt has to be on the megawatt scale. The biggest wind turbines can't be serviced with a bucket truck, you need a massive crane and/or a helicopter.

    Most solar panels are toxic. And it's always been that way. But they last a long time, some last more than 20 years. But eventually they hit the crusher and get buried with all the other toxic shit that doesn't get any recognition.

    Hydroelectric is another technology that has been abused by the bigger is better thinking of the industrial revolution. Instead of building a massive dam and creating a massive lake, why not put smaller turbines all the way up the river and let it flow otherwise naturally?

    Because of cost. And you'd need more people to keep it all running, and the name of the game these days is to shrink the staff as much as possible. Power plants used to employ a couple of hundred people, each. Now, thanks to distributed computer controls, a few dozen people can do it.

    When it comes to the buck, all bets are off. Which is one of the worst failings of capitalism and religion as I see it.
    Irminsul likes this.
  13. MeAgain

    MeAgain Dazed & Confused Lifetime Supporter Super Moderator

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    Petroleum reserves vary depending on usage and new discoveries.

    No one is saying that all predictions by everyone are always accurate.
    No one is saying that scientific theories are never refined or changed...that's one of the hall marks of science.
    But current consensus among reputable researchers is that climate change is real.
    Driftrue likes this.
  14. Holly1272

    Holly1272 Members

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    Hahaha, no. It was an analogy. There are similarities and parallels between them. I wasn't referring to how they are estimated. Come on guys!
  15. MeAgain

    MeAgain Dazed & Confused Lifetime Supporter Super Moderator

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    I understand.
    However your analogy was based on a false or misleading comparison. In my opinion.
  16. Nudist4u

    Nudist4u Banned

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    (((climate change))) ?
  17. TrudginAcrossTheTundra

    TrudginAcrossTheTundra Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    You mean
    I heard that somewhere...

    Yes, all those impacts you listed and more that we know of, not to mention the ones we haven't discovered yet. It's a balancing act.

    And that's actually the elegance of capitalism. By its nature it balances cost versus benefit. Unobstructed by external forces such as government mandates and such, that is.

    Running a power plant these days is like checking the monitor for alarm conditions while hanging out on forums and such. :)
  18. TrudginAcrossTheTundra

    TrudginAcrossTheTundra Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Well, what we can say is that all climate disaster predictions from all alarmists have been wrong so far.

    I think all honest players recognize that climate changes. I don't think that's ever been at dispute.

    Where we question the voracity is whether it's cause for alarm or not. Will the Earth spin out of control and cave toward the sun in twelve years if we don't wean ourselves off fossil fuels by then? I wouldn't consider anyone touting any similar scenario as "reputable researchers".
  19. MeAgain

    MeAgain Dazed & Confused Lifetime Supporter Super Moderator

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    No we can't.
    I'm not going to look up every climate model that's been correct, all I need is one to disprove your "all climate disaster predictions from all alarmists have been wrong so far." Unless you choose to define alarmists as only those who got it wrong.
    The First Climate Model Turns 50, And Predicted Global Warming Almost Perfectly

    Thermal Equilibrium of the Atmosphere with a Given Distribution of Relative Humidity : by Syukuro Manabe and Richard T. Wetherald

    If you think global warming is a benefit, that's one thing. That it's happening can't be denied.
    Negative impacts of global warming on agriculture, health & environment far outweigh any positives.
  20. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    It'd be cool if you could transfer all the toxic negative energy from the internet forums and harness it into power we could power the earth forever in just a day. :)

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