These are pictures I did for a project on anorexia & self harm...the second one works better a bit bigger but I didn't want to end up with a page needing an hour to load
Nice art, not eating can really do weird things to a person. And when harnessed properly, starvation can be very useful and rewarding.
wow. i think the first picture in particular is very powerful. it says alot about anorexia AND self harm i think. the whole "wanting to hide away and escape" thing. the "feeling unhappy with your self" thing, and it really sums up the lonliness and isolation too. impressive stuff. works on many sub levels as well as illustrating the fragility that the body experiences in both self harm and eating disorders. i like it alot. depressingly beautiful.
very powerful use of imagery! this is the kind of art that brings a reality that most of us arent't aware of (or choose not to be) to the surface, and makes the viewer think. nice work!
VERY nice. I love the second one with the flower growing out of her. Just, wow, those are all...concise emotion on paper I guess.
fizzy elf said alot of what i think it says/shows too the feeling of being broken, torn, lonely, the depression and pain so large it bleeds out of you like tears, trying to hide and look away and get away,yeah.. thats good stuff, you should post more of your stuff..
the 3rd one is my fave...guess i just like blood in artwork:S Weird! But it's really good, in my opinion. Good style you've got; I haven't really seen many self harm and anorexia artworks, but I've read quite some poems and I have to say that seeing things from that perspective was new to me and I like it(pictures). Love, Borut
and you told me you can't draw it's all really good i especially like the little flower faerie one...