annoying these lady's is fun.

Discussion in 'Random Thoughts' started by wiggy, Aug 23, 2005.

  1. wiggy

    wiggy Bitch

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    hehehehehehe my sister told me about this website which gets really bitchy. so me being me thought it would be nice to join up and be a arrogrant cow, so i did, damn they can be nasty. ohh its so fun, i dunno if i'm aloud to put the site address on though, i will find out and pass it on lol
  2. DuskBreeze

    DuskBreeze bye bye !

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    Oh I belong to one that's mostly all women talking about families and babies and stuff and they can get really bitchy. But they are all so PC about everything. I just can't help telling them what I think sometimes.......
  3. wiggy

    wiggy Bitch

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    lol is it bounty? thats all about familys and things, im not even being me, im being the opposite to what they are!!!!! i think everyone needs their blood pressure high a few times a day lol

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