OK, so my pal has got a version of the King James Bible on his kindle, and you can search for words. Given that it's nearly easter, and that easter bunnies are everywhere, we searched to see if rabbits are in there. They're not mentioned. Nor are cats, crows,rats or monkeys. Unsurprisingly, the word 'brain' is also absent. There are however 34 references to dragons. Makes me wonder, considering this is a book some regard as the only one really necessary.
And the hare, because it chews the cud but does not part the hoof, is unclean to you. you didnt look very well..
No, but you do get his interpretation of Planck's quantum hypothesis, used to explain the photoelectric effect in which shining light on certain materials can eject electrons from the material.
Not just the easter bunny. 34 dragons might seem a lot in a work we are told is definitely not fiction. I don't recall that even Tolkien had that many.
The Bible is mostly based on astro-theology and is merely allegory. None of the characters/animals/whatever even existed as physical beings. It's merely a story that was weaved around the stars, planets and constellations in the night sky, and people take it at face value.
They all get mentioned in genesis heading into Noah's ark. Some names are different too like "hart" and "roe" ~ Can't say I get the point of the op? But some may be hiding in there under different names. As far as "clean and unclean" animals, the superstitious vs common sense: "Israel in 4 BC had no mass refrigeration!" ie, both rabbits and pork can be dangerous if not kept or prepared under certain conditions. The spiritual part I guess G-d knows? But the parasites and virus apparent to anybody...
That's not entirely accurate. The bible is not "merely allegory" at all, it just has allegories in it. There are numerous confirmations in history of numerous characters, including Alexander the Great, which folks are pretty sure existed?
I did not say that? I was saying specifically that ignorant monkeys today are as useful as superstitious ones. That's probably why they constitute the bulk of constant bible commentators...ahahaha!
I guess the kangaroos must have swum over to the middle east. My point is that people have said to me that the Bible is the only book you need. It's a complete guide to all of life. I find this very hard to square with 34 dragons, no rabbits or cats or brain. Maybe though a brain is not required.
Human beings do WHAT like bunnies? Christ was crucified .. for the sins of human beings .. and by the Crucifixion, a new Law was established (the Law of Forgiveness) .. in which THE sin is .. not accepting Christ haha But anyway, human beings imagined / dreamed up the easter bunny. Heh heh heh.
<<I guess the kangaroos must have swum over to the middle east.>> Most intelligent scholars today regard Noah as one of many Noah's all over the world when the flood or "deluge" occured. There are other noah stories from other places too. <<My point is that people have said to me that the Bible is the only book you need. It's a complete guide to all of life.>> I understand. I doubt those people saying that are people who can actually read it. It is a manual with instructions which most of it's modern thumpers are wholly ignorant of, do not care and would be highly threatened by. A true bible scholar might say "I could see that" but they are seeing 3x more and then some of what the ignorant babble about.... <<I find this very hard to square with 34 dragons, no rabbits or cats or brain. Maybe though a brain is not required.>> That's just a weak effort to be fecetious and actually burned your black fecetious butt, because like I just pointed out, it actually does take a brain to read that one actually exercises. Ancient people considered the location of the soul important, the brain just a tool of the soul. That may be why the soul book starts primarily from that location Nice try and thanks! I love ignorant and fecetious for lunch! Cheers!
Oh agony, I can see this is going to drag on and on and hahaha. I like dragons. I was born in the year of the Fire Red Dragon. Therefore, I am Chinese. See? lol