
Discussion in 'Salvia Divinorum' started by Pitt the Elder, Jan 31, 2023.

  1. Pitt the Elder

    Pitt the Elder Newbie

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    Hello to all my first post. I've suffered with anhedonia for some years, but only came across the name recently. I also suffer with depression and take citalopram. I feel now that the citalopram has lost it's potency. I contacted my doctor about this, but they would not increase the dosage. All I do is eat and sleep, I've lost interest in almost everything. I've just recently come across nootropics and ordered a few, again I can't say I feel anything. What I would like to do is everytime I feel low or lathargic, take something and become more productive. Not on a high all day, just a few hours at a time and not "out of it" so to speak, but in control and enjoying the things I would like to do but just can't find the enthusiasm. Could Salvia Divinorum do this in small doses?
    I very much look forward to reading your replys
  2. Toker

    Toker Lifetime Supporter

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    Hi Pitt, welcome to the Hipforums. I don't think salvia is the answer. Have you tried microdosing mushrooms or other psychedelics? Some states have legalized it now.

    That usually snaps you out, but be careful, they're not for everyone, and you should have an experienced person with you first time.

    Dosage is important. Changes can last a very long time, usually for the best.
  3. Pitt the Elder

    Pitt the Elder Newbie

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    Thanks Toker. I live in the UK, where mushrooms are illegal, sadly
  4. Toker

    Toker Lifetime Supporter

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    That's too bad. There are studies underway in Europe and the US where psychedelics are the subject of much research. Check the universities in your area to see if there's anything going on like that.
  5. Piobaire

    Piobaire Village Idiot

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