just hadda convey this message to folks for angelmomma..... seems her compoopa is down again for some reason and will not be back on til around the first of june..... if anyone has any messages or needs to contact her holla at me and i have regular contact with her...
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! NOT ANGEL! *runs away and hides under angel's kitchen table until she gets back*
That's sucky! Hrm, please tell her if she needs any computer assistance I can call her. Just PM me and let me know.
here's one to make you tear up a little: http://www.hipforums.com/newforums/showthread.php?t=238951&f=104
angel brozek we got her old addy around here somewhere but i have no idea where. if i remember correctly it was some small town in CT.
husband? children? family? i didn't know her very well, but i can't stand a mystery and she was nice.