I'm becoming more and more disgusted with politics and the world. It's depressing, frustrating, futile, angering, etc. i'm beginning to wonder, is anarchy the only way?
Do we really think that anarchy is sufficient for actual progress though? I always think it will just result in things ticking along but no development as such. Or am I wrong?
you were given a mobocracy which wipes out most individual rights, though you are still liable as an individual based on decisions others make for you. individual sovereignty is the way to go, no contract no deal, simple as that. Adopt whatever you feel works for your personal governance from the state or feds, just like the states adopt what they feel is good for them with regard to the feds. we never gave the state dominion over us they just took it.
Never mind John Lennon or Goethe. WHat about David Suzuki? http://www.greenpeace.org/canada/en...1&spJobID=215867122&spReportId=MjE1ODY3MTIyS0 Action is inescapable for the wisdom of meandering ideas in the universe of heavenly bodies justifying the industrial plot by the oil industry for maintaining financial awareness for and against, yes, FOR and AGAINST, the sustained marketing for development of the energy base for survival of most working people in Nigeria. Kill one a week, and more shall live. Oil spilling is a good idea over the anti-goodness of mere post modernist environmentalism.
[patronising] No. If you want to see how great anarchy can be, go visit Mogadishu. If you actually made it back, you would no longer ask this question. [/patronising]
Anarchism for OR against the enemy. The enemy cannot be anything Human. Every anarchism must have a purpose over the broadest range of universal Nature. At least this is the post-modernist view. ANybody can see that previous deist replacement ideal was hoping that the widest universe was not true to the the absolute and absolved laws of Nature.:sultan::afro:
Anarchy, why is it I smell a leftist commie when I hear that word around here? Rightist anarchy which seems some what like individual sovereignty and requires a degree of respect for your neighbors and possible future allies in times of trouble.
well , how about we say the Rule of Law is not the only way . first , abolish punishment . you can do that . affirmation of this will be delivered to you via cosmic communication , which is , oh , like a happy smiling fish rises up to look ya in the eye . if this is anarchy then anarchy is the Way , and it's got to be good enough for little kids .
Exactly. And respect is as respect can. It all depends whether anarchy means black bloc or Benjamin Tucker.
anytime someone calls me a commie, they lose credibility.... old school insult thrown at anyone who isn't a war monger, christian, or republican. commie... communism... communication.... community.... hmmm...
If you want to see what happens when you give people a lot of freedom, look at what has happened to Wall Street when Reagan deregulated everything-- the predators rose to the top, and everyone else lost out. Now the government is too weak to do anything about it and desperately trying to fight back against huge amounts of opposition. If you get rid of the state, the predators will just raise their own private armies and you'll end up with a mafia state similar to feudalism. Anarchy is basically collapse... there is nothing good about it at all. You'll have unregulated industries destroying the ecosystems, black markets, drugs everywhere, and no one will be obligated to maintain roads in or out of communities that have no value to them. It doesn't matter what kind of philosophy binds these communities together... certain people have a knack for climbing to the top and staying there. And the idea that right-wingers have respect for anything is ludicrous. They respect you as long as you're a white, gun-loving, Christian, heterosexual male who thinks that an open mine that provides 10 years of employment for 500 people is more important than a clean ecosystem that can sustain human, animal and plant life for centuries. Apparently, everyone else just doesn't have any respect for anything.
You seem to be one of those in whose view there are only two kinds folk in the world left and right wingers and them fitting neatly into your little molds. During the revolution of the '60s and since I've noticed "left wing anarchists" have very, strict 'party lines'". You seem to forget that true anarchists tend to be radicals, neither right nor left wing.
The world isn't depressing its your feelings and thoughts that is making the world depressing the world is fine your thoughts are messed up. Look no matter what kind of society we are going to live if its going to be 100% perfect there will still be unhappy people if you want to change the world change yourself change your thoughts and you will see our planet in an different way