Life on that farm seemed more communist in my memory. But I agree with the OP. To believe anarchy can be a perpetual state of peace and freedom is frankly hilarious and really naive. Well, unless there are so less people we can all have enough space and freedom. Then it might work. But lots of places are really to crowded for that.
Humans are social animals and all social animals in the animal kingdom have a social order. Mankind has always had a hierarchy, even in small tribal cultures, because it is instinctual to us as social animals. This is why I dont think anarchy, or any kind of idealistic utopian society where everyone is free and equal, could ever work. It goes against human instinct. There will always be alphas who take in the name of money, power, greed.
It could be argued that rape is a human instinct. It's a documented animal instinct and humans are animals. It doesn't mean that we can't, and largely haven't, voluntarily evolved past it though. If it becomes culturally taboo to mate with physical/aggressive alphas and popular to mate with loving, peaceful, creative types, the balance will shift. So, as more people realize that they've been tricked into an unsustainable lifestyle of unnecessary greed and competition, and realize that there are viable alternatives to western capitalist consumer culture, more men will decide not to be alpha, or what's currently viewed as beta will become the new alpha, and more women will stand strong in selecting good mates and raising good kids, and things will get better. I just hope there's time! I read somewhere about a tribe of primates that went through this process in a very short period of time. Memory of it is blurry but basically some of the food was poisoned and since the pushy jerk alphas always ate first, they all died off, leaving the mellow males and the females behind. When the females bred with these mellow males, they raised mellow babies. Heirarchy collapsed and inter-tribe drama stopped. When alphas from other tribes would show up and try to pull their alpha crap, the community would shut their behavior down immediately and the intruder alphas would very quickly adapt to peaceful ways. If the primates can do it, we can. We just need a reset, which the unsustainability of the culture that's creating these psycho alphas will inherently provide, in the form of a collapse. It's just a matter of time.
i definitely think we as a society can learn to establish some sort of peaceful anarchy, once everyone figures out it really is best.
We have the tech now to break into peaceful tribes within tribes, where the more local the decision is, the more weight it has in that locality. All of the tribes could be united under one centralized tribe of leadership that is made up of nominated members from the smaller tribes. This leadership could be changed very frequently and the goal of the overseer tribe is only to keep the peace, protect the environment, and keep trade fair. Resource allocation could be automated using similar tech to bitcoin's decentralized autonomous system. Funding for the central leadership entity could be provided through directed taxes on capitalist endeavors. Taxes on cars and tires pay for roads. Taxes on guns pay for military, etc. The solutions to all of our problems are here and easily within reach. The only problem is that most of humanity isn't ready for true peaceful freedom because they've been tweaked by our unsustainable culture into becoming mindless dependent servants. I know the process is reversible but it's tough and most will never change. Sadly, all the good people that know how to support themselves without oppressing others will just have to hunker down and wait untl the inherently unsustainability of the system causes it to collapse and consume itself. It's only a matter of time! Anywhere near cities will be a very bad place to be until the process takes its course.