Too many people these days are horrorflingly filled hate, spite, violence. some people say organized anarchy, but hows that gonna work with most everyone choosing a dysfunctional life, when they don't need to?
Dysfunctional? By whos standards? Most of the hate and spite can be traced back to something 'the'/'a' government has done. Anarchy may be the end of the 'Statist' world indeed.
Look at who is similar to anarchists in their dislike of government: business people (who hate government the way criminals hate cops) right wing extremists I say go for the little issues, and don't waste energy attempting to transform the big picture. Strive to make America like Denmark, not some Utopia. Right wing extremists focus on banking and international banks. Anarchists and socialists focus on government. People! Just work to better the world a little at a time.
If we are to be realistic... Everyone is in part anarchist. There is a part of you that is so free from the external, which includes government. Who can disagree with me?
There will always be groups that organize their anarchy and rule the roost. There will be no world of entirely individuals. Humans are pack animals by nature. The bigger the back the more anarchy to control. Just the way we evolved folks
People way overuse the saying "end of the world" The world will only end one of 2 ways. A planet sized meteor or a supernova sun. You could set off every nuclear weapon in the world and it won't end it.
Destroying the Earth is harder than you may have been led to believe. You've seen the action movies where the bad guy threatens to destroy the Earth. You've heard people on the news claiming that the next nuclear war or cutting down rainforests or persisting in releasing hideous quantities of pollution into the atmosphere threatens to end the world. Fools. The Earth is built to last. It is a 4,550,000,000-year-old, 5,973,600,000,000,000,000,000-tonne ball of iron. It has taken more devastating asteroid hits in its lifetime than you've had hot dinners, and lo, it still orbits merrily. So my first piece of advice to you, dear would-be Earth-destroyer, is: do NOT think this will be easy.
organizing anarchy is a self contradiction by any literal definition of the word. hierarchy only exists among humans, when humans create it. needless harm and suffering is caused by doing so. i do not advocate attacking hierarchy. i advocate NOT attacking each other to create it. ------ as for worlds ending, the mineral substrate of the planet isn't going anywhere (other then around its orbit) the biosphere or the human species itself or both, are what too many people and too many wrong motivations are quite a bit more of a threat to. most people who talk about the world ending, i kind of doubt if they even realize there are other species on our own planet, or a universe out there beyond it either one. what poorly chosen shared priorities, have created and resulted in, multiplied by our shear numbers, yes, THAT is a threat to the future of our own species. it is quite possible, as carlin suggests, the planet will shake us off, our own doing actually, like a dog shaking off fleas. this isn't because of anarchy though. its the result of the excuses for aggressiveness made by every form of ideology, and several of the more prominent forms of belief. ----- i do believe there is very likely, that we really are headed straight for, an ECO-pocalypse. and that the 'meek' who inherit the earth that remains after, will be neither 'christian' nor entirely human. it is only by the mutations that make them no longer entirely human, that they will be able to live in it at all. not saying christ wasn't a cool guy and all that, but that's a seperate subject entirely, even from whatever god or gods may or may not happen to be, which i'm pretty sure if they do, they've never micro-managed, as if our one planet was somehow all that 'special' among the billions of solar systems which have planets in what is called the goldylocks zone where life is likely to occur. this however is about environment, not ideologies or the absence of them. nor about what anyone believes or doesn't, but what we actually do and are doing.