Analog Logic Weirdness

Discussion in 'Writers Forum' started by wooleeheron, Jul 2, 2018.

  1. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    I've finally figured out exactly how to assemble the book I'm writing, and am covering the analog logic now in the second chapter. The first chapter is already correct for the most part, but the second has to cover the essential underlying analog logic, which has to describe physics as well. Crap rolling downhill is what physicists call "entropy". The following paragraph represents many years of work, and describes both the physics and analog logic of life, the universe, and everything. Other root logics are derived from this one, including one that demonstrates how money causes devolution and lowbrow slapstick. Eventually, they should describe a Rainbow Spectrum of Desires, that incorporates Maslow's Hierarchy.

    In this world,
    if you can’t dazzle em with brilliance, baffle em with bullshit, and you’ll be amazed at how many people will buy it. Murphy was usually the optimist in my family, after a few drinks, nonetheless I remain a firm believer that ours is the best of all possible worlds, if for no other reason, then because it excludes the worst possible extremes, by making reality sometimes stranger than fiction, and lowbrow slapstick pervasive in nature. Scum always floats to the top and crap keeps rolling downhill, which is why everyone has evolved an ass to fall on! But, with the bullshit flying in every direction, if crap didn’t roll downhill and we didn’t fall on our own ass, nobody could ever figure out which way is up!
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2018
  2. tikoo

    tikoo Senior Member

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    Who is dazzled by brilliance ? Not yu .
  3. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    I'm really not dazzled by brilliance, because I've met too many people with real heart. Believe it or not, I don't even think of myself as smart. As far as I'm concerned, Mother Nature is the one who allows me to do whatever I do and who makes it all possible. Usually I tell people, we are all flaming geniuses and drooling idiots, because none of us is ever quite who we think we are. If studying analog logic doesn't teach you that, you are doing it wrong. Guilty feet ain't got no rhythm.

    One of my best friends is Left Hand Frank, who is totally illiterate, and as simple a man as there is, because memorizing a bunch of facts or being able to do a Rubics Cube are just dog and pony tricks.
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2018
  4. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    In this world, if you can’t dazzle em with brilliance, baffle em with bullshit, and you’ll be amazed at how many people will buy it. Murphy was usually the optimist in my family, after a few drinks, while I required more proof! To this day, I remain a firm believer that, if ours is the best of all possible worlds, then its only because reality is sometimes stranger than fiction! To paraphrase Sherlock Homles, of Sr Arthur Conan Doyle fame, “Once you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be true!” In any good cartoon, scum always floats to the top and crap keeps rolling downhill, which is why everyone has evolved an ass to fall on! The ground is always there to catch us, to prevent many of us from sinking any lower, but its hard! Our ass ensures everyone learns how to fall gracefully, and never forgets which way is up, which are the hallmarks of a social species, where falling on your ass gracefully counts for extra points in duets, because the zingers in life could be infinite, but nobody wants to find out for sure.

    This is the latest update and shows how weird these things are to dwell upon and how Alice-in-Wonderland it gets. If you note, Sherlock Holmes plays the part of Alice in this paragraph and, like a good straight man, has casually implied that its possible to eliminate the impossible, but whatever remains can be improbable. As if he did not possess mortal fallibility and could easily determine what is impossible. Physicists love to quote this one, because they don't comprehend linguistics and it puzzles them, but sounds really convincing. What it expresses is the noncommutative nature of quantum mechanics, and how nothing from nothing ain't nothing and, humorously, Sherlock is fooling himself and making up his own excuses and reality, for accepting the evidence. Chasing his own tail, but using linguistic vagueness in a subtle manner.

    Analog logic says his approach can work often enough to be worthwhile. Creating logic from quotes and song lyrics patched together, is really weird, but interesting. In combination with Yogi Berra and standard fuzzy logics, this logic can be used to create self-organizing systems logic that are self-consistent, self-correcting, and self-organizing. The importance of how Sherlock does it, is that he can easily bridge classical and fuzzy logic, using simple English, but the statement is a pragmatic one, identifying its fuzzy logic. Note, he is using statistical terms. The next thing for me to think about is how Sherlock fits in with Socratic humor, but this is the root logic I've been looking for.

    This one was so weird to figure out, it was proof the creative process itself can be beyond any meaningful description. Sherlock, of course, is also used in a derogatory manner, for sarcastic humor and this is just a weird take for me on analog logic, which doesn't normally try to account for sarcastic humor this way. The implication is that all of classical logic can be thought of as expressing sarcasm, while Yogi Berra was an optimist. With the right comprehension of how the two work together, you can conquer both. Sherlock plays the part of the proud rooster, and who is dismissive of the logic of everyone around him.

    Just figured it out. Mr Spock and Sherlock are Don Quixote, tilting at windmills. I don't know his quotes that well, and will have to look it up. What is required is an assortment of rudimentary characters, with Don Quixote representing a more adult version of something like busy-back-soon from Whinnie the Poo. The child, the dreamer, who never stops playing and bouncing off the walls, and may be fragile in some regard. Its all toddler characters that have adult counterparts, and you really need eight characters total. One has to be sarcastic, but that's the last one I have to pick, making it easier to allow the logic itself to decide the specific characters. Instead of using sarcasm to describe humor, I use humor to describe sarcasm by focusing on the humor first.

    Both Spock and Sherlock rely on their humble simplicity as characters to give their sarcasm more beauty and take a lot of the sting out of their sarcasm, which can be extremely light, dry, tongue-in-cheek, and easy to miss in all the drama of their character bouncing about. They are pecking away at the pecking order, but gently as just a reminder to pay attention. They are humble in that they are both dedicated to perfecting their minds and addressing reality head-on, and being a productive member of society, even giving much more than they might receive. Over-educated well intentioned fools, who can also work magic, by fooling themselves into believing they actually know what they're doing. That's Peter Sellers "Being There" or "Forest Gump" as the proverbial divine fool. The irony is, because they fool themselves, they actually are accomplishing what they want.

    That makes Socrates the same character as Don Quixote, which simplifies organizing the potty humor enormously. Lao Tzu is Kermit the Frog or Whinne the Poo, while Alice is the fabulous Fractal Dragon that illuminates the Rainbow Spectrum of Desires which incorporates Maslow's Hierarchy. I've been wondering how to do this for maybe five years or more. It makes the logic self-consistent on first principles, and reveals how to extrapolate and organize all the different root logics involved. Each character can be considered to use a different logic, with four rudimentary logics all overlapping, and displaying metamorphic effects and circular logic. Some quotes like Sherlock, must conceal their humor, while others make it patently obvious, while how they do this collectively displays humble and elegant simplicity.
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2018
  5. tikoo

    tikoo Senior Member

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    Willy Wonka ?
  6. GeorgeJetStoned

    GeorgeJetStoned Odd Member

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    If you really want a great primer on analog computing, study how an x-ray system works. Particularly where the system regulates power to the tube and automatically compensates faster than a digital system can manage. And with less conversion as a larger system. A digital system can feed in the requirements, but analog circuitry keeps the radiation in check.
  7. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    They are using classical logic to correct the errors of the analog device, while with this one paragraph I have successfully bridged eastern and western philosophy for the first time ever in a self-consistent, nontrivial, and demonstrable manner using contextual vagueness in ordinary language. I studied electronics and could possibly fix your television and radio. I worked in a major university physics laboratory as well. Lasers and whatnot are not new to me.

    Trust me, the physics and electronics are the easy part of what I do, although I hate the thermodynamics involved because thermodynamics are a mess. I am showing people how to emulate classical logic on a fuzzy logic computer, how to design a single processor capable of running both classical and fuzzy logic programs with the highest efficiency possible. Even if you just count the philosophy, I'm doing what nobody has managed to do in over 2,500 years.

    Not that I'm all that smart really, but I am the Wu Master, and mother nature gives me all the help I require. I'm really sort of a biological computer, and it gets lonely sometimes speaking plain English, when almost nobody ever understands a word I say. I know other Taoists masters who are in a similar position. They are paying for their karma, and work serious magic as a result, but their days living carefree are over, for they now serve at mother nature's behest.
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2018
  8. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    Willy Wonka is stretching it a bit. Part of what makes Forest Gump special is that he often has no clue that he is even helping people. The divine fool is an infant, who is helpless and vulnerable, yet cannot be attacked and always comes out smelling like a rose. Wonka's vulnerability is that he loves children, but he can be a childish. In the book Don Quixote doesn't actually help anyone with all his antics, except to remind them that we are all human our dreams are what define our humanity.

    Being There, with Peter Sellers, illustrates this kind of scenario in spades. The lead character never has the slightest clue as to what is happening all around him and who all the people are, nonetheless, saying almost nothing and just repeating himself, he transforms the world for the better overnight, because everyone assumes he's a genius, when he is intellectually challenged and has lived an extremely sheltered life. I tell people, the best compliments I've ever gotten are for things I never thought twice about doing, because it is a validation for just being myself.
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2018
  9. tikoo

    tikoo Senior Member

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    Random language is ok when every phoneme is a morpheme . It's possible then that very the last word is
    the key to understanding a book that from it's beginning has been read as maddening , cruel nonsense .
    Who can endure to the end ? Willy Wonka .
  10. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    Morphemes are actually derived from the proximity of syntax in the brain, and grammar is not the foundation of syntax, but the other way around. In fact, the English language has two grammars, just so the academics can keep arguing over whether everything should make sense or not.
  11. tikoo

    tikoo Senior Member

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    The proximity of syntax ? ha ha . There are whirling circles of it . In kindness , tho , begin
    a book with the first pages devoted to the reader and the key to your language . You've
    described your book design as back-asswards of that .
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2018
  12. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    All of our mental maps can be considered to be composed of jig-saw puzzles and metaphors. Knowing how to assemble anything like a jig-saw puzzle, puts you ahead of the competition, and is one reason Asians are famous for playing games like Go. An alternative to using jig-saw puzzle models, are systems logics which you have to integrate into your subconscious mind. All of which sounds simple enough, but took me 50 years to figure out, because western culture does not teach systems logics. Now I have finally figured out all the root logic required and how to express everything, but it means re-writing at least half the book and seeing what I've got when I finish. Its essentially one giant equation. The chapters and the poetry are one giant equation that tells a child's fairy tale for adult audiences. Because the puzzle contains both the roles of the child and adult, that have to reconciled along the lines of Jim Henson's "Dark Crystal".

    Like everything, they always obey the symmetry of whenever harmony is lost, balance will be restored, and express everything both humorously and elegantly, like a child. A child is humble, and it is only by being humble we can even hear ourselves talk. For nine months a dozen masters helped me to assemble all the metaphors, every day, for me to get a good start on this book, even though I've never so much as taken a Tai Chi class in my life. It is my karma, and something I never believed was possible or wanted, but gladly embraced. I am both smart enough and brain damaged enough, to do the endless editing required without punching holes in the walls. I don't even actually think of myself as all that smart either, because the words have a life of their own and they are the ones giving me all the insights. In fact, my own words are the ones dragging me kicking and screaming and protesting all the way to accepting more of life's lowbrow slapstick.

    I'd say it required about six years of working 12 hours a day for me to stop complaining about all the hard work and start getting super excited that I had finally found a way to do what I had wanted since I was five years old, find the words. Even as a five year old it occurred to me that the words must be possible, because life had to make some sort of sense, when the people around me made almost none! My brain has been bent in ways that would make a yoga master blush and walk away, but its all just potty mouth nursery rhymes.
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2018
  13. tikoo

    tikoo Senior Member

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    Oh , you have humanistic heroic self-perception . So what does moth have to say about that and how is this said ? Such awareness seems useful .
  14. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    LOL, I am legion, I am a flaming genius and a drooling idiot. I am your greatest hero and worst nightmare, because who I am doesn't matter to me. It simply doesn't matter who you are, if you are loving and just having fun. :)

    This is something the tiniest toddler knows, and my entire philosophy is based on potty mouth nursery rhymes, with children being considered the masters. I always tell them, I can only share facts with them, but they have much more important things to teach me. Clutched, it cannot be touched, for we are all Ugly Ducklings ascending the stairway to heaven. Know thyself and the whole world invites you on their journey of discovery. Learn to laugh at yourself once again like a complete idiot, as if you didn't have a care in the world.
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2018
  15. tikoo

    tikoo Senior Member

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    If .
  16. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    A Taoist master asked me if I thought my book might last for ten thousand years and, not wanting to be impolite, I said, "I guess anything is possible". He said those were his favorite words. Now I tell people, after you accomplish the first 50 impossible things, you start to get the idea that you might actually be a child of God, and all your petty ego and crap are not worthy. I was a skeptic my entire life, but the collective unconscious is real and half the world knows her. She is returning to reclaim the planet, and prevent humanity from becoming extinct. Trust me, I'm not the Dali Lama, Jesus, or anyone like that. I'm just brain damaged author of the stupid book anyone can improve upon. We call our poetry stupid, for a reason. It is stupid, because it describes everything and nothing. Westerners have difficulty imagining a religion or philosophy based on bullshit and collective ignorance, because westerners insist everything must make sense, despite nobody ever documenting the existence of common sense anywhere in the world.

    Primitive people knew mother nature would have to intervene eventually, simply because they know how she works. She is almost a caricature of a child and Cinderella's Fairy godmother of all things, but mostly what we see is the mindless humor and beauty of the child. She has to be extremely predictable like a robot, but also unpredictable, and you have to decide for yourself what the hell it all means, but instant karma is always gonna getcha and mama has a wicked sense of humor. Modern science is about to prove, that awareness itself is nonlocal.
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2018
  17. tikoo

    tikoo Senior Member

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    If c , now b . Oops ... another stupid magic trick .
  18. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    Tell me, who are the magicians waving their hands in the air and destroying the world? Perhaps my faith is misplaced.
  19. tikoo

    tikoo Senior Member

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    Let c = a relationship of at least 2 concepts
    Let b = togetherness

    Here is one relationship to consider : Rainbow Warrior c Artist of Peace
    When it is established that the relationship is not iffy , then c=b .

    What of Magician c Destruction ? I wonder if making that relationship true could
    cause a trouble , a perverse tangle in the sub-mind .
  20. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    You are struggling to formulate the simplest mathematical statements. You might try to either use math or English, one at a time, if you struggle to combine the two. Just a thought, its hard to follow what you say when you say so little in such an awkward way.

    A relationship of two concepts, is called redundant.

    Togetherness, begs the question of how it is different from a relationship!

    Variables must be explicitly formulated in mathematics, while yours make neither mathematical nor linguistic sense. I treat every word I write like a variable, but that takes twenty years of work to be considered the least bit competent. Saying everything is equal or whatever is like saying "Its all good", in which case, there's nothing to discuss.

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