Anal And Ibs

Discussion in 'Oral Sex' started by Mattekat, Nov 26, 2015.

  1. Mattekat

    Mattekat Ice Queen of The North

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    Sorry in advance because this is a pretty nasty topic, but does anyone here know anything about IBS and anal sex?

    Anal is something I really enjoy and used to be able to have. My boyfriend also loves it and would like to be doing it a lot more often.

    I unfortunately have IBS, or perhaps an underlying issue, but I'm working on figuring that out. Either way it means that I frequently feel like I have to shit and often when I do I have diarrhea. (Now we're really friends ;p ) Because of this I haven't really wanted to have anal in a long time. I worry about what might happen or what might come out of me... we have managed it a few times, but it is less enjoyable now that I am worrying the whole time, and frankly it IS less comfortable now.

    So, does anyone have any advice?

    (I'll just sit back and wait for the hundred bad jokes and single piece of good advice now! ;) )
  2. Karen_J

    Karen_J Visitor

    Any reputable doctor will tell you there is a connection, a risk factor for anal sex to lead to an IBS problem and/or make it worse. Frequency of anal also matters, along with amount of lube, and the guy's technique and degree of patience. Anal rape can cause damage that requires surgery, sometimes even requiring the installation of a plastic anus, and permanent incontinence in extreme cases.

    Kegel exercises usually provide the degree of tightness that most guys want, and your pussy is built to take a pounding every night.

    Since a crude and tasteless joke in this thread is inevitable, I'll go ahead and tell you that this post is sponsored by UPS, the only company that has brown as its official color. ;) The yellow font on the logo symbolizes piss. :D
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  3. Mattekat

    Mattekat Ice Queen of The North

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    Thanks Karen! I guess it'll be party in the front, business in the back from now on...
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  4. newbie-one

    newbie-one one with the newbiverse

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    You may want to read the book "Curing IBS Naturally With Chinese Medicine"

    Hope it all works out
  5. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    I have IBS too and love my anal sex. You know over the years I've somehow trained my body to go on my command. Of course, the trigger foods that cause my IBS shouldn't be eaten before performing the act. Do you know your triggers? Mine are everything I like, especially rich Asian sauces. But the good thing about IBS and toilet is, well... >.> once you blast off, you empty your whole self then you're good to go. :D for me anyway. so I go to the toilet and when I feel empty and good, I take a shower, squat and poke. If all is clear then I get into gear. :D BFFs now!!

    Also, a big relief for me was Metamucil powder, orange flavor. Not sure of you brands but I found a Meta-Powder in America. I think most use is as a stool softener but like you I already produce is soft, or water... So this firms it up. You'll feel 10 years old again. ;)
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  6. Karen_J

    Karen_J Visitor

    Old classic Robin Williams joke: "What kind of a god would put a recreation area next to a sewer plant? Does he not know anything about urban planning?" :rofl:

    With other women? Completely different thing.
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  7. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    How so? I assume toys and dildos perform the same rhythmic actions? :d
  8. audrey_the_endotherm

    audrey_the_endotherm Members

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    Are you doing anything to manage your IBS? I don't have any knowledge around its management but if you are really dreading anal sex then it's probably best to avoid it for the time being.

    Perhaps in the meantime your boyfriend can take in in the bum until you IBS clears up? Sorry, I had to submit a silly joke.
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  9. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    I want you to also get or find specifically designed mint pills. We call the mintex here. They're like peppermint you take before eating. Now when you do toilet, it's going to smell just like a mint leaf and going to feel like your man just licked your butt after brushing his teeth. :D but they were doing awesome before I found the Metamucil. :)
  10. Mattekat

    Mattekat Ice Queen of The North

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    Right now I am not doing much to manage my ibs since it's really new to me. I've had symptoms for a while now but I tend to ignore things until they get bad, so I only recently went to the doctor about it. I will try your suggestions if I can find them irm thanks!
  11. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    My first doctor that diagnosed me honestly said "not much can do, try eating a bowl of hot fried chips and vinegar". He said it might do nothing, but it'll taste good. :D

    There's a lot of remedies out there but my best was just to avoid the trigger foods. For me it was processed meats in a way like certain cheap salami, though they're my favorite so no more Devon or processed lips, hooves and assholes. Things that were too salty. And then those sauces, but I love those sauces so with the Metamucil it seems to counteract the problems.

    I'm interested to know what you actually feel? When I get my attack my left side of tummy like lower left flares up like a mad stomach ache. When I was first diagnosed my doctor said I may even have a slight hernia. And it comes and goes comes and goes, almost like as it is digested in my food tubes it goes left and right as it moves down and when it hits that same area I get the attack then it goes. Eventually it just becomes unbearable and I race to the toilet. I used to suffer this every day multiple times. But I'm very regular again on the Metamucil. Best thing ever. :)
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  12. Mattekat

    Mattekat Ice Queen of The North

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    I get a similar feeling. It's sort of like giant cramps in my lower abdomen that move around as I feel everything in me shifting. Then yeah, eventually it comes to a point where I have to just run to he bathroom. I'm starting to feel like my trigger foods include spicy things and bananas. 2 things I don't want to give up....
  13. Karen_J

    Karen_J Visitor

    As we get older, our digestive systems don't work quite as well as they used to. I find that having too much of something in an otherwise empty stomach can be bad. Having a variety of things mixed together down there seems to go better. For example, a milkshake gives me big problems now if I drink one at any time other than shortly after a meal.
  14. YouFreeMe

    YouFreeMe Visitor


    Oh man.

    But in all seriousness, Matte, sorry to hear about this issue, anxiety makes everything less enjoyable. Does your partner care about the possibility of poop during anal? I mean it goes with the territory! Once you figure out your triggers and start to understand patterns in your IBS, I'm sure a lot of this will sort itself out!
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  15. Mattekat

    Mattekat Ice Queen of The North

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    Yeah I don't think he's thrilled with the possibility of shit coming out either lol. We use condoms but still...
  16. Aerianne

    Aerianne Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Metamucil and now with eating lacto fermented foods, things are alot better.
  17. indroix

    indroix Members

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    For me, pretty much as long as I've shit beforehand, there really aren't too many problems. I know this is too much information lol.

    My trigger foods for ibs are pretty much everything that I love to eat... spicy, peppers, onions, garlic, hot sauce out the ass (ha) and sometimes I cave and eat these things anyway, even though I know later I will feel like someone is stabbing me in the lower abdomen with a burning hot fork & give me other bad problems, so I try to avoid them as much as I can. But other than that, I have no health insurance and I don't manage it any other way except for occasionally stopping to consider, "should I eat this"?.

    Point is, if I've eaten any of these foods, buttstuff is generally a no for me. Otherwise.. if the moment is right and yall wanna do that sort of stuff, your best bet would be to just go to the bathroom first and get out as much as you can. And if you find halfway through that you gotta poo again, well then.. just go.. I do occasionally have to get up and let him know that I've got to go, and he usually doesn't mind waiting a few minutes. As gross as it is though, sometimes a little something something comes out but it's all just a part of it.. I mean, we are kind of dealing with butts here lol. But when it does happen, we kind of just brush it off. We shower afterwards anyway because by the end of the act we're both so covered in lube and lord knows what else that it's a necessity lol
  18. Karen_J

    Karen_J Visitor

    God damn, I've got to stop reading this thread. [​IMG]
  19. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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    Yes, this is my least favourite thread of the year

    Some things one just does not share
  20. Aerianne

    Aerianne Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Don't try to make Matte feel bad because you're jealous someone else is getting anal.
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