An weird example of confabulation (The George Lopez Show)

Discussion in 'TV Comedies and Sitcoms' started by TrumpCards, Apr 12, 2018.

  1. TrumpCards

    TrumpCards Visitor

    The word confabulation means remembering false memories, which can be very fucking confusing. Maybe I am a little crazy :( Anyway, this is what I thought was the series finale of The George Lopez Show. I looked and I was completely wrong, but it definitely would have been a much more interesting series finale than what they did do.

    Anyway, George met a nice girl that was an attorney or something. He didn’t cheat on Angie or sleep with the girl, but he gave her his pager number. She paged him and Angie found the page. It was revealed that George and Angie had a prenuptial agreement, and that this was evidence of him having an affair. Because of this, Angie was going to get a divorce, take all his money, and take their son Max. When she revealed this to him, he assaulted her.

    I know this is a little fucked up that I legitimately believed this was the series finale, but considering how shitty that show was, I think it would have been a great way to end the series.
  2. I'minmyunderwear

    I'minmyunderwear Newbie

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    so was that an actual episode or just something you dreamed?

    did george lopez have an awful sitcom too? i thought he just had an awful talk show or something.
  3. TrumpCards

    TrumpCards Visitor

    Yeah, his show sucked. One slightly redeeming factor of it that there were plenty of episodes where you could see either Constance Marie’s (Angie) or one of the other girls panties hanging out if they knelt down.

    I’ll give another weird example of confabulation from my life. I imagined that my first time was sleeping with an older woman. I used to live in a duplex house. The neighbor was this thirty something in the closet homosexual that worked in Burger King. He still lived with his mom, his older brother, and his teen sister (who I tried asking out, but she didn’t like me). Anyway, one day he came home with a very pretty Mexican woman in her thirties. Apparently, he met her on the internet and she came out to stay with him for awhile (I have no clue why; he was obviously gay). The confabulation began with me imagining that at night, she came over and we had sex, but she then revealed that she only made the trip to sleep with someone to get pregnant. This is absolutely rediculous, but I imagined it happened. I know it didn’t, though.
  4. Eric!

    Eric! Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I actually thought the show was pretty good. I'm going to see if I can find this particular episode though.
  5. TrumpCards

    TrumpCards Visitor

    I already looked; it didn’t happen.
  6. unfocusedanakin

    unfocusedanakin The Archaic Revival Lifetime Supporter

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    He has a had a few shows canceled. Hollywood has deiced he is the go to Mexican comic even though no one is laughing.

    Personally I don't find him funny because his whole act is "I can say beaner you can not". Lots of ethic comedians can not move beyond racial jokes. He also had a bit in the stand up spacial I saw about how stupid white people are because they think their dogs like them. Us Mexicans abandoned them on a dirt road when they are sick, it's just a dog. He then acted out a confused dog and a car driving away. Brown audience though it was funny and I saw he was not for me.
  7. I'minmyunderwear

    I'minmyunderwear Newbie

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    ^ so basically he's carlos mencia except with his own shitty racist jokes instead of stealing other people's?

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