Namaste! Do you know any songs that has the same sound and message like Imagine by John Lennon? Can I get some of your music knowledge? Thanks!
Sure, there are countless Lennon ripoffs. Here's a good tune that isn't one of those: Another good one:
It's like imagining all people not being overweight. Not only can one do nothing about it, one can't even keep one's own weight off. And that's with access to expensive health foods and personal trainers.
For whatever reason I can't post youtube links here but check out "Do You Realize" by The Flaming Lips. For whatever reason it reminds me of "Mind Games" by John Lennon. C/S, Rev J
it is the dawning of the age of zootopia. i sort of guess amadia doesn't want me to link directly, but dam its a good one. well i guess not everyone would understand, maybe. i guess it was just intended to be a filk lyric, but it says so much so well. a lot of furrys make music with sometimes the same kind of sentiment. but then it isn't everyone there either, because everyone comes from every place else that everyone does, just like they did when lenen wrote and sang imagine too.