An Idea For A Cartoon That Will Never Exist...

Discussion in 'Random Thoughts' started by Terrapin2190, Jun 13, 2016.

  1. Terrapin2190

    Terrapin2190 I am nature.

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    I was just in the chatroom talking about Canadians. (Beginning with someone mentioning that she was defending Canadians as someone came in last night and apparently was trash talking them? I began to joke about how there is no 'i' in Canada, so I refer to the people of Canada as 'Canadans.' And proceeded to lightly joke about them "with their maple syrup... and their sausages" / "and their hockey" / "the leafy people of the northern tundra!" [I mean no offense if any is taken])

    So that got me to thinking of other countries. Their habits, what they're known for in reality and perhaps sometimes stereotypically. My mind then drifted further, imagining people of the world... what they would look like if the people of these nations were the physical embodiment of how others seem to view them. A rather whimsical, imaginative thought.

    If this thread seems to be too offensive, please let me know. I know some people could potentially be sensitive to this sort of thinking, but like I said, it was just a thought that popped into mind and I truly mean no offense by this way of thinking.

    That being said, please keep your ideas clean and think twice about your response to this thread as not to offend.

    (I have a feeling this may be taken down anyways, but I still think it would be an interesting idea for a cartoon of some kind. Even if just a movie reel of the mind.)

    Firstly, do you think this thread is in some way acceptable? I do not wish to offend anyone with responses that will be contained within. It is a purely abstract way of thinking. No harm or to others' feelings or harsh judgment towards others' culture are intended. I basically want to paint a picture of how people are viewed in a 'different light,' so to speak.

    Do you think this is something I should have just kept to myself?

    Secondly, if you do choose to respond to this thread, please keep in mind groups of people and other nations you know would be offended. Try to shy away from the more stereotypical views. Keep it light-hearted. You could start with 'I would imagine' to keep any tension (if there is any) at a minimum.

    I guess I'll start since we were on the topic of Canadians (ahem! Canadans).

    I would imagine Canadians as a tall and hardy type of people, 'skin' composed of leaves of dark burgundy in color. Traveling only at night in long steady strides. Perhaps toting wagons that flicker by candlelight as they help others traverse the weathered terrain and harsh climate that they know best.
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  2. Lolli

    Lolli Visitor

    i would imagine british as robots powered by beer that make jokes only they r meant 2 understand but i love them anyways xxx
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  3. AceK

    AceK Scientia Potentia Est

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    So the caricaturization of Canadians eh?
  4. Lolli

    Lolli Visitor

    if i were 2 make a cartoon of irq it would look like 101101001101000110011101100 lol
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  5. AceK

    AceK Scientia Potentia Est

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    Answer to Ultimate Question
    64-bit 2s' Complement:
        0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
        0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0010 1010
    1 person likes this.
  6. Lolli

    Lolli Visitor

    aka 42 lol
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