An Englishman's account of his past life incarnation as an Ecuadorian girl named Lisbet Guerrera

Discussion in 'Philosophy and Religion' started by Ajay0, Sep 13, 2020.

  1. Ajay0

    Ajay0 Guest

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    An interesting and insightful article about an Englishman reliving his past life as an Ecuadorian girl named Lisbet Guerrera, who died in a volcanic explosion in Ecuador.

    Lisbet Guerrera: My Past Life
    mysticblu21 and Outdoor Sport like this.
  2. Ajay0

    Ajay0 Guest

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  3. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    souls are not memories, but then i suppose nothing is limited by what i am able to consieve as being likely.
    i too, was born with dreams/memories of other lives, but not anything like details about them, other then none of them were on this world or in this solar system.
    a world densely forested, but with more advanced technologies then anything this world had the year i was born into it, and some humans still only dream of.
    and that may have been only the most recent of previous ones.
  4. Ajay0

    Ajay0 Guest

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    An article dealing with reincarnation case study of Swedish writer Barbro Karlen who claims to be Anne Frank in her past life ....

    The Story of Barbro Karlen’s Proof That She Is Anne Frank Reincarnated

    Reincarnation Case of Anne Frank | Barbro Karlen-From the Holocaust a Child Finds her Past Life Home - Reincarnation Research

    Barbro Karlén - Wikipedia

    Barbro Klaren is a prolific writer of Swedish origin who was seen as a child prodigy at the age of 12 due to her writing skills within Sweden. She had published eleven books of poetry and prose by the time she was 16.
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2021
    mysticblu21 likes this.
  5. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    Reincarnation is just one of the more easy to grasp ideas about the after-life, which is beyond all comprehension but, rest assured, our journey is never-ending. Time is never what you think it is, until that time rolls round again, and the collective unconscious doesn't think of time the way we do. They can comprehend how we view time, but to them its just a game.
  6. Ajay0

    Ajay0 Guest

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    Yeah, the doctrine of reincarnation has an ancient history both in the east and west.

    The ancient orphic religion of the Greeks, along with the old Celtic and German religions also held reincarnation as a religious doctrine.

    I think the doctrine of reincarnation was a part of the original Christian religion in its early times.The early Christian gnostic sects as well as Origen taught the concept of reincarnation then.
    Roseycheeks and mysticblu21 like this.
  7. Ajay0

    Ajay0 Guest

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    No, I have not though I just checked it in the net. Mysticblu is the forum expert on Tarot and you can consult her in the astrology subforum. I was a hard skeptic with respect to astrology but have revised my views after meeting a few experts myself.
    mysticblu21 likes this.
  8. Ajay0

    Ajay0 Guest

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  9. Ajay0

    Ajay0 Guest

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    Dead teenager comes home after eight years as an eight year old Indian boy claiming he had a rebirth...

    Uttar Pradesh: Boy says he 'died' 8 years ago, goes to old home, claims he had a rebirth

    'Dead' Teenager Returns Home After 8 Years, Claims He Had Rebirth

    Rohit Kumar, the thirteen-year-old son of Pramod Kumar from Nagla Salehi village in Uttar Pradesh's Mainpuri district, had died on May 4, 2013, drowning in a canal near Kanpur while taking a bath.

    On August 19,2021, Chandraveer alias Chotu, eight year old son of Ramnaresh Shankhwar, a resident of the nearby village, Nagla Amar Singh, came to Pramod Kumar and said he was his son Rohit in previous birth.

    He claimed he had a rebirth and identified Pramod and Usha Devi as his parents.

    On meeting his 'previous' family, Chandraveer, started narrating stories from his previous birth. He also identified his sister.

    Enthralled by his reincarnation stories, villagers soon gathered at Pramod's place to listen to Chandraveer's tales.

    Meanwhile, when Subhash Chandra Yadav, the headmaster of the village's former secondary school, stopped by, Chandraveer immediately identified him and touched his feet ( to show respect as per Indian tradition) and said, "This is Subhash, sir," .

    Villagers took Chandraveer to the same school where Rohit studied earlier. Teachers asked him questions that Rohit could have answered.Surprisingly, Chandraveer answered them correctly, according to the report.

    Chandraveer's father Shankhwar said his son would always talk about reincarnation since childhood and insisted on coming to Nagla Salehi.

    They feared losing him and avoided bringing him to the village.
  10. Ajay0

    Ajay0 Guest

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    A UK man claims that a hypnosis session triggered vivid memories of his past life as an airplane photographer and gunner during World War One.

    Man Vividly Remembers Past Life as WWI Pilot

    Man who remembers past life as WWI pilot visits 'his own grave in Llandudno'

  11. Ajay0

    Ajay0 Guest

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    An interview with psychiatrist and past life regression therapist Dr. Brian Weiss on reincarnation...

    “We are all immortal” - Times of India

  12. NookaTheNook

    NookaTheNook Members

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    As a believer in reincarnation, personally I’m against people being hypnotised to remember their past lives, some children remember but lose this memory by the time they are around 5. This is the way it should be, imagine all the bad,sad, maddening memory’s you have in just one life, more than one lifetimes worth would drive you crazy.
  13. Ajay0

    Ajay0 Guest

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    Informative article on Dr.Brian Weiss and his evolution from a conservative and skeptical psychiatrist to a believer in reincarnation.

    Skeptical psychiatrist finds proof of reincarnation | Lifestyle.INQ

  14. Ajay0

    Ajay0 Guest

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    Articles on twin sisters Gillian and Jennifer Pollock, whose family were convinced were the reincarnation of tragic siblings Joanna and Jacqueline who had died in a car crash .

    Did They Prove Reincarnation is Real? The Strange Case of the Pollock Twins | Nik | NewsBreak Original

  15. Ajay0

    Ajay0 Guest

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    Article on Shanti Devi, a famous case study of reincarnation...

    Here's The Story Of Shanti Devi, The Woman Who Convinced Mahatma Gandhi Of Her Reincarnation And Remembering Her Past Life

    Shanti Devi - The World Famous Case Of Reincarnation

    Last edited: Jun 6, 2023
  16. Ajay0

    Ajay0 Guest

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    Insightful article of a five year boy recalling past life as an African-American woman who had died in a fire related accident.

    I died in fire 17 years BEFORE I was born & was reincarnated - I ‘proved’ it

    Five-year old recalls past life | The Guardian Nigeria News - Nigeria and World News

  17. wilsjane

    wilsjane Nutty Professor HipForums Supporter

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  18. Ajay0

    Ajay0 Guest

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    Yeah, imho, it is possible that some dreams may have their content from past lives, stored as memories in the unconscious mind.

    Dr. Brian Weiss have spoken about the correlation between dreams and past lives... life -Brian Weiss.pdf?ver=1635443453907
  19. Ajay0

    Ajay0 Guest

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    News article of a minor boy claiming to be reincarnation of his maternal grandfather...

    UP: Minor boy says he's reincarnation of maternal grandfather; calls grandmother his 'wife' in Mainpuri

    The boy claimed that he was the reincarnation of his maternal grandfather and considered his grandmother as his 'wife' .

    Eight-year-old Aryan claims that in his “previous birth” he had gone to water the fields, when a poisonous snake had bitten him due to which he had died.

    He also claimed that his mother was his daughter , and that his maternal uncles were his sons in his previous life.
  20. Toker

    Toker Lifetime Supporter

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    These stories remind me of walk-ins.

    A walk-in is a discarnate entity, in these cases perhaps, souls of the dead that take over the bodies of specific individuals. These individuals have supposedly lost their will to live, or been in a serious accident, or even come back to life after.

    These people are more vulnerable to being taken over by an entity so they can use the body to live in the physical world again.

    If you believe in transmigration of the soul, this might seem possible.
    goldendragon likes this.

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