web.archive.org/web/20050103144653/http://googolplex.cuna.org/15378/5spot/story.html?doc_id=619 An excellent page that tells them why using coupons is so good
Most coupons are for fairly good quality produce. Otherwise the manufacturers would be shooting themselves themselves in the foot by sending out the message "look at all our rubbish" For the manufacturers, the hardest thing to control is shops redeeming coupons without buying the product. Some shops deliberately allow their cashiers to do it, knowing that the word will get around and customers visiting the shop to take advantage will be buying a basket full of shopping. They get caught out occasionally when a dozy cashier redeems a coupon for a product that the company does not even sell. One dopy cashier at our local supermarket was redeeming Burger King coupons.