An adventure to share!

Discussion in 'Stoners Lounge' started by hahaha04, Jul 5, 2014.

  1. hahaha04

    hahaha04 Whatevers Clever

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    So I'm gonna make it brief but just wanted to share a bomb occasion.

    So I'm visiting family in uk. Go to Bournemouth which isn50 miles from where I am staying to rendezvous with my good friend. While walking from pub to car park to meet him I bumped into a dude who was around my age reeked of pot. I just told him what was up and he said yeah give me number. 45 mins later he meets my friend and I after we havE a couple drinks

    Gives us a decent sack if really dank. Proceed to toke.

    Also got great food and chilled with some great people.
    Very stoned and a bit drunk

    Pics to come
  2. the_doors_of_perception

    the_doors_of_perception Member

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    It's great when things like that happen... :) We need more random adventures with strangers!
  3. Jennifer19

    Jennifer19 Senior Member

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    can't wait too see them

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