Amoda Maa on Living as Silence

Discussion in 'New Age' started by Ajay0, Nov 14, 2022.

  1. Ajay0

    Ajay0 Guest

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    Insightful article by spiritual master Amoda Maa on Silence being synonymous with Being...

    Living as Silence

    DrRainbow likes this.
  2. DrRainbow

    DrRainbow Ambassador of Love

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    What if it really could be sold?
  3. Ajay0

    Ajay0 Guest

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    Silence as in Being is your Self, your true identity and nature.

    How can your Self be for sale ! It is impossible to part with it, though you can forget it momentarily due to sensory stimuli (evoking craving for sense-pleasure and aversion for pain along with the unconscious thinking and emoting process they generate) .

    Even the Devil cannot buy your soul, however he can make you forget your true identity of the Self, and focus on your secondary identities of an impermanent and superficial nature.

    The latter is enough to supply and feed the Devil with all the fuel of evil he craves.

    So, when the Devil buys your soul, he is just hypnotising you to forget your true Self and focus on your secondary identities such as that of nationality, race, religion, creed, sexuality, gender and so on that fosters duality and consequent conflict, hatred, destruction and so on.

    If you do not know who you truly are, you will accept any label that gives a semblance of an identity, and would be willing to even die for it due to psychological insecurity within.

    The wise is anchored in the ocean of the Self within while the foolish are super-glued to their superficial secondary identities and labels, which rise and fall like the waves.

    This is the reason why the wise are mentally equanimious in all situations while the foolish are easily agitated when their secondary identities are threatened.
    DrRainbow likes this.
  4. DrRainbow

    DrRainbow Ambassador of Love

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    An idea to create a service went through my head when I was reading the OP. I was thinking of renting out areas like libraries.
  5. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    the silence (absence of human distractions) of the forest, is where i have always found that sense of spirit connectedness, which in places, such as churches and temples, where people try to tell each other what to pretend about what is not known, is completely occluded by their doing so.
    DrRainbow likes this.

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