Next to China and Russia, of course. The main propaganda organ in this country is FOX. Fortunately, there are other news outlets, but the MAGA morons who watch only Fox are thoroughly brainwashed. As for Jimmy Dore, he seems to be, or might as well be, part of the Kremlin propaganda network in the U.S., along with Tucker and Tulsi Gabbard. This is worth a whole thread? Dore is probably using his alleged persecution as a publicity stunt.
FOX is controlled opposition. There are zero mainstream news operations that can be trusted for truth in America.
Anyone who trusts Fox is a corporate programmed fool. Anyone who trusts fringe sources on the internet or talk radio is worse than that. I tend to trust the BBC more than I trust mainstream American outlets. But it's foolish to rely on one or two information sources, and as I said--always verify, if possible.
BBC is just as garbagey as CBS, NBC, CNN or any of America's mainstream news operations. FOX is every bit as good as any other of these crapfests.
Fox is an arm of the republican party --they lie about everything they cover, they are as anti American as anything coming out of Russia, China, Iran. They are not a news station and you know it. They don't claim to be. Right wing propaganda is their daily mission and no other . They disgust me and they will soon lose 1.6 billions dollars because of their lying and hypocrisy.
I read the Guardian from the UK. Perhaps the ONLY independent media that is based on news, and offers opinion clearly marked as opinion - and not disguised as news. Facts are facts, opinions are garbage in, garbage out. He said or she said about this or that is an opinion, covering the facts of a situation is news reporting. There is the difference.
I think you mean,the most polarized(left/right)..........and what they put in those boxes(media/interwebz)....... But dont worry the rest of the world(media/interwebz/ect) is still following closely........*sigh* Mzzls
Russians have been waging a 'special operation' on imaginary Ukrainian Nazis for the past year and a half. Chinese government hasn't spoken a word of truth to the world or its own people for three and a half years. North Korea hasn't spoken a word of truth to its own people for 70 years... but yeah, USA is the most propagandized... sure...
But even the Chinese and Russians never had a leader or president who was assassinated in what appeared to be a conspiracy linked to the government and corporate mafia. Worse , the J.F.K assassination has never been properly investigated and all its culprits and conspirators nabbed even after half a century. More worse is the Kennedy curse, where members of the Kennedy family had mysterious deaths attributed to bad luck and timing. Inspite of his political success, Ted Kennedy never ran for president citing danger and cowed by death threats to his life. His statement reveals a lot, "I know that I'm going to get my ass shot off one day, and I don't want to." All this suggests a lot of successful criminal maneuvers and manipulations behind the scenes , covering of tracks, and clever duping of the public.
I still remember the time when the BBC were covering the Iraq war. While the American army were complaining that they could not get within 5 miles of the taliban caves alive and using it as an excuse to deploy missiles, the BBC team covering the war were inside the caves drinking tea. Their explanation of why they were in the caves in the first place certainly shocked everyone over here. It all started when they refused to supply oil to America and Saddam drove them out. Agreed it was after 300 years of tribal conflict. Tony Blair, who supported Bush without consulting the people, lost the next election. He was even accused by many people of war crimes. We sometimes get a more balanced view of what goes on in the US, than it's own people.
That "conspiracy" has been the subject of multiple conspiracy theories, along with 9/11 and Covid. Personally I think aliens from outer space were behind it, along with Big Foot as an accomplice. But there may be some truth to the theory advanced by the play MacBird! (the Johnsons did it). Poor Lee Harvey Oswald. Obviously, some hapless patriot they picked up off the street on his way to see the President drive by.
Yes, the perpetrators have successfully derailed the investigation with all sorts of distractions and false leads. Subsequent presidents may have read the writing on the walls and decided not to take up any independent policy of their own other than that on the script written for them, drafted probably by the deep state and plutocratic entities. But this obviously means that there is no democracy, only stratocracy and plutocracy.
Mark Lane's book--Rush to Judgement published in 1966 is still (IMO) the most cogent and convincing of all the documents / files/ stories / Warren report bullshit put out. It's the one book that has sustained my conspirational belief about that event since 1963.
In America, its not just the propaganda itself, but the will, the thirst to beleive the narratives that is most remarkable. The quest to bullshit ones self is unprecedented.