American women are killing themselves more than ever! Oddly they're doing it at that age when their dating life drastically plummets, most of the men their age are either already married/committed or pursing younger women, the age where a female's ability to conceive and energy/time to raise children significantly drops. You know, that age when they drastically stop receiving as much external validation and free shit from guys and are more on their own. Isn't this supposed to be the generation of "happy and independent women who don't need no man[or family for that matter]"? Women today have more rights and freedoms than ever in history. What happened?
I don't know, but your thread made me think of this which I saw the other day...Woman jumping to her death in NYC. I felt very saddened and always do when I hear of something like this..... 3 ingrediants to happiness Someone or something to love Something to do Something to hope for Maybe with some people, that list is very short....
A recent study indicated that, while ambition certainly has its place, those who nurture contentment in life tend to fare better in the long run. Americans have become so materialistic and driven that the idea of contentment has become synonymous with failure. The same trends can be seen in Japan where they had an epidemic of suicides among young men when their economy crashed and they could no longer bear the shame of being unemployed. The Dutch have the highest suicide rates in the developed world due to their Calvinist roots and tend to leave nasty notes blaming their boss. I'll bet you dollars to donuts its related to both how many hours they work and how much money they make with another recent survey showing that one of the things Americans can't stand is if their neighbors make more money than they do.
So basically you seem to be implying they are killing themselves because they cant get a man So how is that different to the last 5000 years, why the supposed jump now? Or blame economics, why does the US, and my country have a bigger suicide rate than many other poorer countries in the world? Topics like this usually go the same way, we always prefer to try blame something external. Its never their fault Why the fuck DO people kill themsleves? Maybe there always has been, always will be certain personality types more prone to this, and there is nothing anyone can ever really do about that. Maybe in the west it does have something to do with that overinflated sense of entitlement But we cant speak ill about the dearly departed, out loud anyway From the CDC: That 24% sounds big, but thats and extra 2.5 per 100,000: 0.0105 % of the population in 1999 to 0.013% in 2014 - hardly , 24% actually means an extra 0.0025% of the population per year Suicide rates for females was greatest in the 10-14 yr range, are you going to say thats becuase they cant get a man?
I think the lack of empathy in the OP, the need to make some sort of political statement about feminism rather than looking at it like a human fucking being, maybe illustrates at least a piece of the puzzle? People are lonely, disconnected, surrounded by negativity, empathy is sorely lacking in the world. We're all taught we should be divided by so many different factors. Is it really a huge mystery why suicide rates are going up?
please expond on these dividing factors and how these factors aren't being reinforced/magnified by the feminist movement.
I think the feminist movement has done more damage to women than help them, in the last decade or two especially. They are starting to feel the repercussions from third-wave feminism. It no longer serves a useful purpose, aside from making young men wish they had the perks their female counterparts do. Younger men in America are opting out of marriage and tend to just do what they want. Women are the ones getting educated, going places in life. This is a side effect of a society that uplifts women, and stagnates or puts more pressure on men to "man up", or to be better (i.e. "perfect"). I've seen this in the workplace for years. Basically third wave fems don't know what feminism stands for, only that it puts them above everyone else. And when you're "up there", it gets kinda lonely, very quickly. Look into MGTOW to understand male backlash more.
Most of the older White women I see would prefer a house full of cats to a man any day. That can't be the problem! I think it's failed expectations that are the problem in the USA. You are told you need this that and the other, reach 45 and see no way of improving your life, then give up.
I'm not really interested in getting drawn into yet another thread about how feminism is evil and men are clearly better than women. There are a ton of threads like that around here and I find the topic tedious and boring.
Ah, ok. You just wanted to make a comment in this thread but not reinforce it with any actual solid evidence because that's "boring and tedious".
But i'm sure olddude will be delighted to come and have a circle jerk with you about how much women suck, oh look he already started. You guys can get some good cat lady jokes in!
I don't think women suck nearly enough! PS I think YDs a great guy, but I don't swing that way. Women for sex and babies, guys for friendship and sports, I like to compartmentalize my life, it keeps it simple. PPS Do you have many cats?
Feminism had to happen. There were too many women trapped within miserable lives because they didnt have the means to be autonomous. But with that said i think we are all victims of "progress" to some extent and I think it extends beyond the breakdown of the nuclear family. Before the nuclear family there was the extended family and strong ties within communities. All of that is disappearing in western countries and culture. I would actually be interested in seeing the suicide stats within cultures who still have strong community ties. I also want to point out in terms of women staying home and raising children, few even have that choice anymore and it is an issue of economics, not feminism. There arent enough high paying jobs to afford many people the luxury of that choice.
I would have 'liked' your post but have run out today. Oman, Muslim country, women are owned by the head of their household, when they are a child their father, when they are married their husband. As a single person the man is also owned by his father, until he is married then becomes the head of his own household. He can't choose his first wife, but he can choose another two. No divorce, hardly any suicide, and generally the women and the men seem much happier than those in the west. Of course you can't talk to the woman without her 'owner' present. Sex is forbidden outside marriage, there is no consent, you are either married and can have sex, or you are single and risk 10 years in jail and a public flogging. Thailand, Buddhist/Muslim country, hardly any female suicides, but death due to RTA is off the charts. The women don't expect to have husbands, but they want children very early and generally bring the kids up alone, or hand them to their parents to raise. A single woman bringing up her kids is the norm. Hardly any children are raised by their biological father. Women are equal, my wife mixed concrete on a building site as her first job age 13, her mother was a bricklayer. Your road sweeper, gardener and garbage collector is just as likely to be a woman as a man. Nobody is cold or hungry or homeless. Sex is freely available to all. False expectations has to be the key to the suicide rates. Personal freedom and sex seem irrelevant (as from my examples of two completely different but extreme cultures).
According to the CDC: Risk Factors for suicide Family history of suicide Family history of child maltreatment Previous suicide attempt(s) History of mental disorders, particularly clinical depression History of alcohol and substance abuse Feelings of hopelessness Impulsive or aggressive tendencies Cultural and religious beliefs (e.g., belief that suicide is noble resolution of a personal dilemma) Local epidemics of suicide Isolation, a feeling of being cut off from other people Barriers to accessing mental health treatment Loss (relational, social, work, or financial) Physical illness Easy access to lethal methods Unwillingness to seek help because of the stigma attached to mental health and substance abuse disorders or to suicidal thoughts Protective Factors (things that decrease your likelihood of suicide) Effective clinical care for mental, physical, and substance abuse disorders Easy access to a variety of clinical interventions and support for help seeking Family and community support (connectedness) Support from ongoing medical and mental health care relationships Skills in problem solving, conflict resolution, and nonviolent ways of handling disputes Cultural and religious beliefs that discourage suicide and support instincts for self-preservation I would like to see a further breakdown of the demographics of the groups where suicide rates have increased. Has it been poor women (how poor), black, Hispanic, white? Upper class? Divorced? Unhappily married? Childless? Was this surge clustered around a certain year or years? Some of this is touched upon in the article but more details are helpful. Although women aren't really the whole focus of this article, so it's interesting that you decided to harp on that piece. Men of the same age had an upswing as well. The rise in girls aged 10-14 is quite alarming. How would you draw the feminism link there?
Historically men, due to the fact the men occupy the hardest, most dangerous, most stressful jobs in the world(for example ex-combat soldiers suffering form PTS), have always had higher suicide rates and still do, however while the overall suicide rate rose by 24 percent from 1999 to 2014, the suicide rate for middle-aged women, ages 45 to 64, jumped by 63 percent over the period of the study,.