American terrorist says "rj... have you ever had an independent thought?"

Discussion in 'Politics' started by rjhangover, Aug 21, 2013.

  1. rjhangover

    rjhangover Senior Member

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    Try this one on for size. See if any media or either party is promoting this idea.
    Two days ago three teenagers decided they wanted to kill somebody for the fun of it. So they shot an Australian who was jogging in Oklahoma, and killed him.
    My idea, is to bring back public hangings to make these morons aware of the consequences of being a rabid animal. This country has got to start bringing back some morality to the youth. But that's only the start. Prisons need to be a place that they don't line up to get into. No tv, no recreation rooms, no hot showers, no healthcare, and no visits. Bread and water, that's it. Not only will morons quit lining up to get into prison, it will save the tax payer hundreds of billion$.

    So it that too liberal of a thought? I know you can't possibly think it's conservative. Think CNN will promote it?
  2. Manservant Hecubus

    Manservant Hecubus Master of Funk and Evil

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    Yeah, because big money prison doesn't want to be filled.
    It wants to be empty and turning no profits.
  3. Sig

    Sig Senior Member

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    She said "independent thought", RJ. It has nothing to do with liberal or conservative thought. All you have done was further her point, I'm afraid. Not that anyone expected anything less.
  4. StpLSD25

    StpLSD25 Senior Member

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    We Can't think it's too "Conservative," how about mainstream Republican?

    I think totally vicious, and in the other direction of me totally. I mean I think violence should be punished, but not publically.

    I saw Saddam being hanged, and I wouldn't want to see it everytime I went to the store or something.
  5. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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    Yes, I didnt hear anything havent heard from whackob radio jocks

    Who the fuck lines up to get into prison?
  6. Summerhill

    Summerhill Member

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    So for the crime you mentioned,admittedly horrible,your solution is that the State goes 'one better'-or worse. A kind of insane race to the bottom. Maybe a murder that involved mutilation would be punished with Hanging,Drawing & Quartering? Would that be in public too? Whats your take on Witches?
  7. EL Tuna

    EL Tuna Member

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    I do say, For once RJ has a semi valid point instead of the far one sided threads. If they did bring back public executions it would deter people from crimes they wouldn't commit if that's the consequence in that life style.

    I don't see it being anything more than 'media show' and entertainment for most. Everyone would tune in like or hate 'just to see'.

    IMO, If you are their for life, You should be executed. Why should the tax payers pay 50k +/- a year to house them and the like when they will NEVER set foot on free soil again?
    No reason to waste time, Money, Food, Effort etc. Why not fill it with homeless who would be more than happy for a 6x12' cell with a cot and three hot's.

    But im sure there are too many people who would rather let them live and waste money on a lost cause of shit because 'their human too' bullshit. But they are cold blooded killers serving 5 life sentences and are proud of that.
  8. Summerhill

    Summerhill Member

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    The theory proven; Far Right meets Far Left.
  9. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    thats great.. ,maybe they could squeeze it in before prayer time.."]Islamic Call to Prayer - [Islam Calls You] - YouTube
  10. AmericanTerrorist

    AmericanTerrorist Bliss

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    lol how did I miss this thread?
    I'll go back and read it in a min. ;)
  11. AmericanTerrorist

    AmericanTerrorist Bliss

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    Okay...I'm glad you brought up this topic actually, RJ.
    What I think about this topic is (sorry gonna go off topic of your thread a bit), when they were showing on the news (CNN yesterday) the social media messages these guys posted "I HATE 90% of all white people", etc.- and then they go kill a random white person.... why have they not been charged with a hate crime? Will they eventually be charged with a hate crime? They should be. We will see... I hate to call out a double standard this early but if they aren't charged with a hate crime, then it will be a double standard issue.

    Anyways... I agree with what you say about the prisons, etc. (not that I agree people should be publicly hanged!), but I do think there should be something else done about senseless violence, although I couldn't tell you what that should be..- I don't know if that's a "liberal" or "conservative" issue---just a human issue maybe.
    In any case, although some people in this thread have said they heard someone else in the media say what you said in this thread, I personally have not..

    And btw, Sig is right in that I said "independent thought" not a "non liberal thought"... I mentioned that you sounded before like you were quoting msnbc... but if someone seemed they were just quoting fox news all the time, i'd call that out too. Same thing.

    and to who ever said far right meets far left... YES...
    that's what I've been getting at in many instances for a while...
    left and right seems to be a CIRCLE... you go far enough left or right.... then you're out there into the land beyond left and right that left and right meet.
  12. Meliai

    Meliai Members

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    I read about that australian guy. The kids killed him for the hell of it. Today I read about an 88 year old WWII vet in Spokane, Washington that was beaten by a couple of kids just because they felt like it.

    I've never really felt that violence should be fought with violence but when I heard about both of these events I immediately wanted to shoot these kids myself. I wouldn't mind seeing them hung publicly. If they can't contribute anything positive to society, if they can only contribute hate and violence, and they're only teenagers, then fuck 'em. They don't deserve to see adulthood.

    Just what the fuck is wrong with the world? People don't even have motives for crimes anymore? They just do it because they're bored? Humanity is so fucked up.
  13. AmericanTerrorist

    AmericanTerrorist Bliss

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    ^^^^ Yeah... "thrill killings"

    Whatever happened to getting your thrills from drugs, roller coasters or sky diving? :(
  14. Meliai

    Meliai Members

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    I know, right...back in the 80s and 90s these kids would have just got hooked on cocaine or heroin and called it a day.
  15. rjhangover

    rjhangover Senior Member

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    So I give the American Terrorist an example of INDEPENDENT thought, and the only responses are from the the pinhead peanut gallery. Typical right wing morons, that only settle for fascist ideology. Cons pretend to be so morally superior, yet are totally devoid of such. And they prove it with almost every post.
    The cons agenda has produced the immorality of this country. Forcing women to work, instead of raising their kids. Forcing women to have kids they can't afford. Sending all decent paying jobs to China, which destroys the middle class. Destroying education, which keeps future generations in poverty. And making prisons a profit industry.
    But bring back public executions, and make prisons bread and water only, and I'll bet crime will go way down. And there won't be nearly as many lining up to get in prison.
    Someone asked who's lining up to get in. Well the gangs in California run their empires from in there. And many line up to get in if they have serious illnesses. There was one guy in a California prison that got a free heart transplant. My uncle used to be a prison guard in Colorado, and he told me about a convict that got a cataract removed, then got out on parole, and then got a cataract in the other eye. So he went to a jewelry store, broke the window and waited for the cops to take him back to prison so he could get the cataract removed in his other eye.
    There are hundreds of thousands of "career" criminals that can't cope with the outside of prison. They keep committing crimes to get back in. All their friends are there, the food's not bad, and they're well taken care of. Pool tables, ping pong tables, weight rooms, color tv, hot showers, and great sex if you swing that way.

    Here's some videos of prisoners doing drugs, drinking alcohol, and playing with guns in prison."]Video Shows NOLA Jail Inmates With Drugs, Guns - YouTube"]Video shows inmates with beer, drugs, guns in New Orleans prison - YouTube
  16. AmericanTerrorist

    AmericanTerrorist Bliss

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    First of all, RJ, do not insinuate that I am a conservative or support the republicans. If you wanna know a little bit about me personally- (this is just me, everyone here is different), I used to consider myself (until very recently) very liberal... I voted for Obama and really bought into liberal philosophy UNTIL... I started thinking about Obama's drones, how Obama is against marijuana, gov spying and all the money OBAMA has spent on war... he just increased Bush's war machine.-Then I started thinking about all the recent political gridlock-how nothing gets done in Washington and thinking about how on the left and the right the "enemy" is the "other side" and I realized both SIDES are the SAME. And that it's all used as a distraction so that the things that are going to get done regardless of who's the POTUS or in charge of both house and congress, will get done, unnoticed.
    There is no difference between "sides"...
    So I personally consider myself more for libertarianism or even anarchy, if it could work, right now. (whether I've considered myself- like in the past-left or like now..libertarian... I believe the gov should back the fuck off on who people marry, what people do- what drugs they do, etc etc.- I also believe the federal government is illegal and doesn't have any real powers outside of D.C., but that's another story for another time maybe..)
    the JAIL I was at had nothing good about it but I know prisons have much more benefits than JAILS. So, yea, I hear ya and I told you I thought your thought could have been independent as I'd never heard it ---
    so yes, I believe the things you listed. I don't believe they should be publicly executed BUT take away their privileges. Do it. Stop making those prisons so appealing.
  17. StpLSD25

    StpLSD25 Senior Member

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    Someone + Rep her, cause I can't!
  18. Sig

    Sig Senior Member

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    You would have to get in line I imagine.
  19. StpLSD25

    StpLSD25 Senior Member

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    @ Malai: The world has always been like that. The best thing you can do is defend yourself, cause cops wont always be there. I agree this that this is a tragic story.

    But the only thing we could do for society is stop the system of demoralization, by trying to educate kids about non violent solutions (Not Government ran of course.) Also, we should never condone or consent to violence, even when done by government. As Government Violence is a big part of demoralization.
  20. AmericanTerrorist

    AmericanTerrorist Bliss

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    It's the thought that counts, stp (well, kinda..lolz)... so, thanks! :) :sunny:

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