American Psychiatry: how much a political tool?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Eleven, Apr 13, 2020.

  1. Eleven

    Eleven Member

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    First, lemme say I'm not paranoid.

    Now, look at all those religious conservatives who went to Easter services yesterday. To me, the only explanations can be:

    A) The suffer from delusions. Jesus will block their cell receptors from that silly old bat virus.

    B) Trump is being persecuted and most of the news about covid-19 is manipulation to hurt Trump's chances of re-election.

    So, we have magical thinking, delusion, and paranoia. But, you can't take a mental inquest warrant out on them, even though they are a danger to themselves and others.

    The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual says that because they are part of a group that shares the beliefs, a psychiatrist shouldn't diagnose them as delusional.

    I say bunk. One man's delusion is another man's religion, and politics can't be washed out of psychiatry as if one were oil and the other water.

    Then we have the role of Big Pharma.

    Anyway, the point I wanna make is people are too trusting of psychiatry.
  2. wilsjane

    wilsjane Nutty Professor HipForums Supporter

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    The border between genius and insanity is a very fine line.
    People with nothing except a college education and little life experience are in no place to judge others.

    With the way that governments have been conned over the years, particularly in issues such as climate change, I can understand Trump's early reluctance to jump up and down over corona19.
    Today, I feel that only Germany is taking the correct approach. If you read my thread and think deeply, you will understand the reasons for my thoughts.
  3. everything bagel

    everything bagel Banned

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    Is your issue with psychiatry specifically? Or mental healthcare in general?
  4. Tishomingo

    Tishomingo Members

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    There's a third possible explanation. C) Greed (the prospect of money in the collection plate) outweighed fear (the virus.). In any case, as a "born again" Christian, I stayed home, and was happy to see that practically all the churches in my community did the same. Instead, we explored Zoom and similar technologies as ways of holding Sunday School.

    As for psychiatry, in Future of an Illusion (1927), Freud classified religion as an "illusion" rather than a "delusion". A delusion is a belief in something that's impossible;e.g., that the believer is Napoleon. . An illusion is a misperception of reality that's unlikely although not impossible, e.g., that a middle class girl will someday marry a prince. While it's possible that people attending services on Easter will escape the virus, I think taking the chance is a bad idea, and sends a terrible message of defiance instead of pulling together in fighting the common enemy. But it isn't just religious folks who can use bad judgment when it comes to the virus. Just before our governor issued a shelter-in-place order, I took the risk of joining a group of atheists and agnostics at a lecture on the existence of Jesus. COVID-19 was already a concern, and two of the attendees were coughing their heads off. Fortunately, I haven't shown symptoms yet. In retrospect, that meeting shouldn't have taken place. You'd think rationalists would know better!

    The American Psychiatric Association is probably wise in not diagnosing religious beliefs in general as delusional or even illusional. To do so would suggest that religion is a mental disease or disorder, and regardless of Freud's theories in the matter, that would go beyond the limits of medical science and probably cost psychiatrists a lot of business. Virtually every religion has its unusual beliefs and rituals. Catholics believe that they are literally consuming the body and blood of Jesus at communion, even though it looks and tastes like bread and wine.Scientologists believe that alien spirits are inhabiting human bodies. Jehovah's Witnesses believe that blood transfusions are prohibited by the biblical injunction not to consume blood. Comedienne Lily Tomlin used to say that when you talk to God, it's prayer, and when He talks to you its schizophrenia." But there's a fine line between that the conversion experiences that are standard fare for evangelical Christians. In my own case, it wasn't a voice. Just a compelling thought or "moment of clarity" that turned into a life-changing experience. I go by Jesus' recommendation: By their fruits will ye know them." Is the belief leading to behavior that is dangerous to self and others: snake handling, for example; or packing the churches in the midst of a pandemic. Jung was able to incorporate spirituality and even mysticism into psychotherapy. There's evidence that religion can lead to positive mental health--lower rates of depression, anxiety, substance abuse, and suicide. Religion and Mental Health: What Is the Link? But that again depends on the religion and the believer. Religions of a certain kind can be stressors, and sources of pathological guilt and depression. Religion, Spirituality, and Mental Health

    Since psychiatrists are human, politics can't be washed out of psychiatry. Homosexuality used to be listed as a mental disease or disorder in the DSM, until gays exerted enough pressure to get that reconsidered. The American Psychiatirc Association's guidelines for "making treatments decisions with patients in ways that respect and take into meaningful consideration their cultural, religious/spiritual, and personal ideals" (2006) seem reasonalbe, if vague. How Do We Handle Religion in Mental Health Settings?
    wrat and Eleven like this.
  5. 6-eyed shaman

    6-eyed shaman Sock-eye salmon

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    Mental Illness is a real thing that affects some people.

    But most of the time, the phrase is weaponized as a personal attack toward an opposing viewpoint.
  6. onceburned

    onceburned Banned

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    yup, mental ………...
  7. Tishomingo

    Tishomingo Members

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    Not usually by professionals, certainly not "most of the time". Such cases are rare among professionals in the mental health field.
    everything bagel likes this.
  8. 6-eyed shaman

    6-eyed shaman Sock-eye salmon

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    Depends on the profession

    Psychiatrists and therapists are usually eager to get people on medications, so they can have a weekly paying customer visit their office once a week. Depression is a common diagnosis. For this reason It is not part of a psychiatrist or therapist’s business model to get you better. They make money off your misery and insecurities.
    Eleven likes this.
  9. Tishomingo

    Tishomingo Members

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    That's a bit different from "weaponizing" mental illness "as a personal attack toward an opposing viewpoint". I sometimes have the feeling that doctors outside the mental health field do the same thing. I have an orthopedic with kids in college.
  10. unfocusedanakin

    unfocusedanakin The Archaic Revival Lifetime Supporter

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    This is a common argument you make. If we don't agree it's actually a mental illness. There is even a well known book with your opinion with a title stating the same thing. This idea is 90% Republican. I rarely if ever hear a Democrat use mental illness in an argument unless it's talking about gun violence. In which case shooters often have something going on.
  11. unfocusedanakin

    unfocusedanakin The Archaic Revival Lifetime Supporter

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  12. Tishomingo

    Tishomingo Members

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    Is that Michael Savage of the Savage Nation/talk radio show? The renowned right wing conspiracy theorist, homeopathic quack, banned from entering the U.K., who follows George Patton in calling veterans suffering from PTSD as "weak" and thinks the increase in autism is a scam in which poor people (parasites, he calls them) bilk the government for disability payments. Not a psychiatrist, psychologist or mental health expert. Why give him any credence at all?
    scratcho likes this.
  13. 'cause he wrote a book. That's all it takes these days. If you can plug a book during an interview, you're IN!!!! (Even if the book is full of shit)
    Tishomingo likes this.
  14. unfocusedanakin

    unfocusedanakin The Archaic Revival Lifetime Supporter

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    He's a nice example of Republican thinking. He has no background in mental health yet the book has that title. It's a common Republican argument that they are the ones with a sound mature mind. The only possible way to be Democratic is if you need medication or if you are kid who has no made money yet. That's why college are so liberal apparently. They uses the money of their Republican parents.

    I should probably ignore him.
    scratcho and Tishomingo like this.
  15. Eleven

    Eleven Member

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    I disagree. I think it not rare at all. Some psychiatrists are so arrogant they don't question themselves. Some medical students swallow what their schools and the "Medical/Pharmaceutical Complex" feed them, hook line and sinker.

    Some religious seminaries hand out master's degrees in counseling to unimaginative True Believers.

    I've seen psychiatric social workers so twisted they're frightening and obviously unfit for their jobs.

    Not to stereotype the profession. "Buyer Beware"
    6-eyed shaman likes this.
  16. 6-eyed shaman

    6-eyed shaman Sock-eye salmon

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    My experience with psychiatrists is they are very eager to get you on meds after having you fill out a 10 question survey, and talking with you for less than 15 minutes. And they get very irked when you say no.
  17. Tishomingo

    Tishomingo Members

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    you should have taken the meds!
  18. 6-eyed shaman

    6-eyed shaman Sock-eye salmon

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  19. 6-eyed shaman

    6-eyed shaman Sock-eye salmon

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    Why? He tried to put me on anti-depressants and I knew I didn’t need them
  20. Tishomingo

    Tishomingo Members

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    How long have you thought you know more about mental diseases and disorders than the mental health professionals? Sounds like narcissism: "a mental condition in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for excessive attention and admiration, troubled relationships, and a lack of empathy for others. But behind this mask of extreme confidence lies a fragile self-esteem that's vulnerable to the slightest criticism." Narcissistic personality disorder - Symptoms and causes
    Flagme15 likes this.

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