America Strikes!

Discussion in 'Latest Hip News Stories' started by morrow, Apr 7, 2017.

  1. morrow

    morrow Visitor

  2. pensfan13

    pensfan13 Senior Member

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    Terrorist attacks against the US. Would be my guess
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  3. morrow

    morrow Visitor

    I think you could be right, hope not!
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  4. Beutsecks

    Beutsecks Large Rooster

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    This is very disturbing. The last time this happened in Syria, it was speculated to be chlorine. Now the claim is Sarin, but I find that hard to believe as I watch video of people trying to clean off the victims using water and their bare hands. If it was real Sarin, it could remain on the clothing for quite a while. It would also kill anyone who attempted mouth to mouth resuscitation. Another point of confusion was that Russia supplied the radar tracking information that showed the plane taking off from Shayrat loitering over the affected area and then returning. Next thing you know Russia is bitching about it? Could it be they just lured Trump into a trap? And who bombed the hospital with direction from overhead drones?
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  5. Meliai

    Meliai Members

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    I don't believe I am anywhere close to discerning the truth about what is happening in Syria, but I agree we're not being presented the truth. Something is off.

    one thing I do know is true, the U.S. doesn't do things for simple humanitarian reasons. The U.S. didn't go into Iraq to liberate anyone from Saddam and the U.S. doesn't care about liberating anyone from Assad.
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  6. drtyhppy2

    drtyhppy2 Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    Hillary called for airstrikes just hours before the Trump administration started dropping bombs. Feels great knowing that either candidate would be escalating the war in Syria right now, what a real choice we had in the last election. I fear this is something that has been being planned for quite a while now. Gotta keep the war profiteering on track regardless of whose in the oval office I guess.
  7. Noserider

    Noserider Goofy-Footed Member

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    It's a catch-22. What else could we do? It's weird. In 20 years we could look back on this as the opening stages of WWIII, but in the microcosm of right now? After seeing dead babies on the news? Yeah, it's kind of hard to not justify this.
  8. tumbling.dice

    tumbling.dice Visitor


  9. drtyhppy2

    drtyhppy2 Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    There have been dead babies from Syria on the news for the last 6 years, why start intervening now? If the US government really gives a shit about Syrian children how about letting refugees in instead of dropping bombs on their country? Furthermore we bombed one airfield and gave Russia (who is at least supposedly strongly allied with the Assad regime) advanced warning. I fail to see how this does anything other than escalate the conflict which will only result in more death. It looks to me like the American main-stream media is getting people ready to support another long drawn-out middle eastern conflict to me.
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  10. hotwater

    hotwater Senior Member Lifetime Supporter

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    Don’t want to sound like a conspiracy theorist but the attack was likely launched by Russia.

    With the current investigation going on to determine If there was tampering by the Russians or collusion by Trump surrogates in the US Presidential election, what better way to divert attention away from the investigation while bolstering Trumps numbers by launching a gas attack against Syrian civilians.

    After the last Gas attack the Russians promised NATO there would be no further attacks and it’s unlikely President Bashar Al-Assad would act on his own.

  11. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I said the same thing, Hotwater, and thought the same thing right away...."See, Putin is mad at me, and I was never in bed with him...We are not in collusion....see!"
    and Putin is just that sneaky. I doubt Trump thought of that. He is too out there with his emotions and anger....but Putin is in the background quietly writing the script....stealthily.
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  12. drtyhppy2

    drtyhppy2 Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    The only tampering the supposed Russian hackers did was revealing emails between DNC members and the Hillary campaign showing collusion to undermine the Sanders campaign, and also leaking the transcripts of Hillary's speech to Goldman-Sachs, both of which required a certain level of "cooperation" from Hillary. Also, an expert hacker can hide their tracks well enough you can't tell what country they're hacking from. So I've never really bought in to the Trump-Russia connection in the first place. And, even if Russia did help Trump win the election there are plenty of targets in the Middle East and North Africa Trump could have bombed in the name of national security without interfering with Russian interests in Syria. IT would make sense to make that US interference in Syria would be off the table if any such collusion actually took place.

    Also, the fact that Hillary called for the exact same strike just hours before the bombs started dropping steers me away from thinking this is some sort of diversionary tactic as well, unless it was her idea to distract the media from Trump's scandals. No, this is something the global elites have been planning for some time.
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  13. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Perhaps....and the interest has always been in the Middle East Presidency after presidency after Presidency....WHY? Follow the money, honey.....oil.
  14. drtyhppy2

    drtyhppy2 Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    iirc our interest in the Middle East began as another front in the cold war. Then, the Soviet Union collapsed, but we still needed to justify our outrageous defense budget. So we started waging war against "Islamic terrorism." But now Russia has a foothold in the Middle East again and tensions with Russia are on the rise so things seems to have come full circle in that respect. But there's so much manipulation in the media right now it's impossible to know exactly what's going on. Plus what gets reported varies greatly by news outlet, which, to me at least, is why there seem to be so many conflicting opinions/theories on what's really going on.
  15. Beutsecks

    Beutsecks Large Rooster

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    That's kind of a broad brush stroke there. Consider how many people on this planet are fed by US humanitarian aid programs (plural). There is also a considerable medical aid contribution by the US all over the planet. And don't forget Madonna, Britney Spear and Grace Slick!
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  16. drtyhppy2

    drtyhppy2 Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    How dare you equate the likes of Madonna and Brittney Spears to international humanitarian aid, good sir.
  17. Scratched

    Scratched Members

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    You gotta admit. Nancy Pelosi approved of it, so it can't possibly be a bad thing. lmao.
    The Russians, who are in Syria too, were told to get the fuck outta the way, cause we're gonna hurl some bombs at evil people who use poison gas on children as well as adults.
    Trump was very emotionally moved in that speech. He's not gonna put up with asshole countries. China and Co** S*****g Kin Jong Punkboy Puke, take note.
    America is back. This shit happened for years, and King Obama had not the balls to do anything. Heartless. Or, an enemy of the Free World. Take your pick.
  18. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    Dude China would kick US ass sooo bad. Lol.
  19. Scratched

    Scratched Members

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  20. Scratched

    Scratched Members

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    Doubt it, our weaponry is advanced enough to take care of the Pollution capital of the Communist Thug world.

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