I prefer jamaican patois. Or just the good ol' cockney accent. But frankly the english language is just beautiful in its diversity. I like a lot of american varieties too (there are quite a lot so saying america speaks the best english seems to be a rigid generalisation).
canada america or united states america or mexico american..........central america...........south america or all of the above
No way. The English speak the best English. I'd concede though that the Americans write better - or did in the late 20thc. As Oscar Wilde said,' 2 countries divided by a common language'.
i have to agree with newfoundland is for sure best english...and new brunswick is number one for french
[/QUOTE]No way. Point in case, the intrusive "r". In other words, inserting an "r" where there isn't one. Example: an American might say "a plate of pasta and sauce" but a Brit would say "a plate of pastar and sauce" ... or an American might say " Now there's an idea" where a Brit would say it " Now there's an idear".... What up with dat? :afro:
I've heard many people from different parts of the US include the "r" where it shouldn't be included too, so that's not just the Brits. Actually, it's quite common here in Georgia, along with other parts of the southern US and even some heavy NJ or NY accents, and don't even get me started on heavy Minnesota or Illinois accents. Personally, I don't think any form of fluent english is better or worse than any other form.........just different, based on common slang and pronunciations(or "mispronunciations", depending on how you look at it) of regional/social dialect..
I like scootish accents. As far as American dialect, my favorite is a good old fashioned blue blood southern accent. You never really hear anyone younger than 70 speak with that accent anymore. Topnotch, you probably know what I'm talking about.
Which America? I've seen people from Boston and South Carolina try to have conversations with each other. They almost needed a translator. Which England? Your accents are not much better unified than ours.
I definitely know what you're talking about. lol I have a fairly heavy southern accent, actually. ~AT~ can confirm that, if she sees this. I do like southern accents, especially when they come out of gorgeous women, but I don't like the accent to be so thick that it can be considered "hillbilly". lol
haha that's funny - this very thing happened when my sister and I visited Boston a few years ago. I dont have much of an accent but my sister definitely has a southern lilt. We were talking to a Boston native at a bar one night and the conversation mostly consisted of the two of them asking each other to repeat every other sentence.
I was an ESL teacher for a while. Indeed, most of my Czech students said that USA had the most coherent English speaking dialect. That said, Ecuador speaks the best and most coherent Spanish of any Spanish speaking dialect.