America Needs to Break the Back of its Fascist Movement Now — Or Else

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Piobaire, Jan 12, 2021.

  1. Piobaire

    Piobaire Village Idiot

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  2. scratcho

    scratcho Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    IMO, that would include throwing as many republicans out of office as soon as possible.
    Tishomingo and granite45 like this.
  3. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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    It's not only the politicians though... It's the voters that think an authoritarian government would be "just great". (Just as long as it's "their kind of authoritarian government")
    Scarecrow13 and Piobaire like this.
  4. Turbowolf

    Turbowolf Newbie

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    Yes I agree the fascist NAZI thing needs to be put down, however its not a REP / DEM thing we are up against. These divisions were put in place to make us think we all have a say, give us all someone to blame, and keep our focus on each others differences while deflecting our attention from what's really happening. Ever wonder why the Democratic party could care less for the unborn child but greet you with open arms once your born, and the Conservative Republican's couldn't bare to allow another abortion but will do F--- all for you once you are here. Can you say moronically ironic, now ask yourself why you have to pay for higher education in the great USA. Could it possibly be that it would be difficult if not impossible to fill the military quota for expendable bodies without the lure of an education a great many never live to realize if it was provided. And for those who believe we have a say, consider that the Elites actually make both choices for you on who will run so no matter who wins most of them still win. Take the Democratic parties choice in the previous election where Burnie Sanders had the party momentum but they nominated Hilary instead. Don't take me wrong on this (I'm not prejudice) but a White Woman who lost the last election to an almost unknown Black Man had not one chance in hell to defeat a well known white man. This was the quintessential throwing of the towel into the ring before the bell was rung.
    The problem here is that the Elites control every bit of info you receive so you only know what they want you to think and through a great deal of manipulation they are gradually undermining all of our freedoms and rights piece by piece. Facts are America lost WW2 because we failed to recognize the true Nazis are our Elites who financed NAZI Germany in the first place. Don't believe me, Google Prescott Bushes relationship with Hitler, the Business Mans Deal, Eisenhower's address concerning new world order 1/17/1961, and then Bush Sr's address about the NEW WORLD ORDER 9/11/1990. does that last date sound familiar?, And what the hell JFK's address concerning repugnant secret societies (think Skull n Bones)and Central Banks with VAST CONSCRIPTION plotting to destroy the American ways 4/27/1961. CUZ its happening right now. The Vail of Satan's deception has now shrouded the sight of mainstream Christianity who now believe in and support a moral less lying deceiver of men's hearts, and sadly this includes my mother, two brothers, and one daughter.
  5. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    Extremist twaddle, that doesn't help right now, but he is correct that the chickens will not stop until forcefully confronted, and they will always demand a rooster. Academics always assume they know everything, so I wrote a 500 page book describing in detail how they are killing their own children, each other, and themselves. They hate me, but they are killing their children, and abusing the fuck out of them, poisoning their minds, and urging them to work harder, and I write my book for all the abused children, that academics cannot even teach how to use a stupid dictionary, share their words, and play nice.
    Tishomingo and ~Zen~ like this.
  6. Scarecrow13

    Scarecrow13 Members

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    Hilarious how the articles says to fight against binary thinking while endorsing binary thinking.
    Running Horse likes this.
  7. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    A quarter of Americans insist the sun revolves around the earth. After awhile, its not funny anymore.
    Escierto likes this.
  8. Scarecrow13

    Scarecrow13 Members

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    Yes a lot of people are dumb but how is that relevant to the subject?
  9. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    The issue is not so much that they are fascists', but they are compulsive liars, and the way to break the back of the fascist movement is to make their lies worthless. Already, everybody is positioning themselves to censor the internet, with the hardware already existing on every processor manufactured, but Google is still working on updating their servers. The issue is how to deal with the academics who are promoting their very existence, refusing to so much as teach a child how to use a stupid dictionary, share their words, and play nice.

    Atheists and fundamentalist deserve each other, but the rest of us deserve better than they have to offer, and my specialty is in commercializing selling them back their own rhetoric, and encouraging them to die younger and reproduce less often. Of course, in the name of free enterprise, science, growth, and progress.
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2021
  10. DarthDva

    DarthDva Members

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    The ashkenazis did fund the nazis, its all some weird zio-masonic conspiracy or something.

    As for satan I'd leave them out of it, mainstream cant seem to decide if satan is on who's side.
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2021
  11. Running Horse

    Running Horse A Buddha in hiding from himself

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    You canna get rid of the nazi fascist movement because they are only the logical conclusion to white fear in the world
    granite45 likes this.

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