If we could get these jobs filled it should help with our current unemployment situation. I saw this on Germany importing their apprenticeship program in the U.S. I'd say this is one solution to this skills gap.
We always have to judge the unfilled jobs from the jobs created. That is the conservative criterium for public policy for any personnel office or unemployment insurance deed. In time the jobs quantity is always greater for the created rather than unfilled. It really is an incentive for pro-creation and population increase. Eventually the economy should reflect the good Malthusian doctrine which, I see, must gift the skilled people out of the increased number in the newly educated. The rest become leaders of Nations.
If so many high tech manufacturing jobs are going unfilled then maybe this explains a good amount of it? New survey ranks U.S. students 36th in the world - How do we improve? : News : If American students aren't ranking high in math and science then that will translate into fewer of them being able to fill high tech jobs after high school.
I'm saying that it's not the unemployed's fault. It's the fault of the freedom and particular circumstances the job-hunter has. Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose. He who doesn't take the chance never has a chance. Get off your ass: get a job. This guy has some great insight about Americans and jobs. It gets to the meat after 10 mins of stories.
Seems that I’m not allowed to view that in this country can some tell me what it is and possibly an alternative place to watch it?
O.K. it is more or less freedom on the job, but the freedom to get the job: The judgment must be the one's who 'CAN's' against Obama.
Yes and no. The lack of political will to support teachers like we do the profession of the doctor, the fact that education curriculums in each state do not reflect what science has taught us about brain in regards to how it learn all play into this problem. The other aspect is that we actually do have many people with masters degrees in math, but despite that they are past over by many corporations because they want employees to hit the ground running as soon as they are hired, give them as little job training as possible, and want to see a specific degree in statistics coupled with engineering or coupled with business. If all you have is a masters in mathematics, many people I know who are in that position are only qualified to be educators, corporations would prefer to import intellectual talent they want from those who immigrate here.
Ok found the video So this is not about people being unwilling to work its about people wanting those jobs but not having the education or training to fill them. The title does give the impression that there are plenty of jobs but the unemployed people are too lazy to take them. So this isn’t an employment issue as such it is an education issue. I agree with monkir in that teachers need to be treated and supported better and education shouldn’t be a political football but a national priority. In the UK we have ideologically driven policies that seem intent on dismantling the old system by shoehorning in a ‘free market’ element. It doesn’t seem to have much to do with raising standards. For example the league table system that was meant to bring in ‘competition’ between schools has teachers complain brought in a culture of exam passing over actual education and – “The focus on league tables had resulted in pupils being pressured to attain high grades and so opt for subjects that are seen as easier to get good marks in such as art, drama and history." The result has been for the more difficult mathematics in subjects such as chemistry and physics being dropped”.
There probably are many more than 3 million persons capable of filling those jobs, but just not located in the area where those jobs exist. Looking at the job ads for where I used to live, there are a great number of jobs available, most requiring minimal skills and of course lower wages, but jobs DO exist. Had to search for a copy of the video link accessible to me, and if it was from '60 minutes' it appears that language and math skills are lacking in the teaching provided by our schools today, essentially the basic skills which should be provided all.
Indie Yes as has been said this isn’t an employment issue as such - it is an education issue. The question then is what is to be done to improve educational standards