So i think i have a unique technique for a guys self enjoyment. It is incredible! Get yourself a condom and unroll it to full length. Then fill it about 1/3-1/2 full with warm water. Or you can piss into it as well. The warmth and trickle feels amazing and this is before you even get started!. The volume of liquid will depend on the size of your cock. Now you are ready to begin. Secure the condom at the base by making a ring with one hand...or use a prevent the liquid from escaping. Grasp the end of the condom and gently begin squeezing in a rythm , causing the liquid to be forced up and down which caused a gentle massage. This feels like a slight tickle or a feather light blowjob. Continue, varying force and rythm till you find your best massage and carry on till you are done! Voila! Id like feedback from anyone who gets positive results! Enjoy!