Amazing News from Thailand about Chickens

Discussion in 'Cannabis News' started by ~Zen~, Jun 17, 2022.

  1. ~Zen~

    ~Zen~ California Tripper Administrator

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    Ya'll got to read this...especially if you like to eat chickens or eggs... a lot of people do.

    High Quality: How cannabis-fed chickens could help in weaning off the poultry from antibiotics

    How cannabis-fed chickens could help in weaning poultry off antibiotics
    Researchers at Thailand's Chiang Mai University have been studying the impact of feeding cannabis to chicken, as farmers have claimed it improved the quality of meat and eggs

    Researchers in Thailand are studying the impact of feeding cannabis to chickens. AFP

    Researchers at Chiang Mai University have been studying the curious impact of feeding cannabis to chicken as farmers in Thailand have claimed it improved the quality of meat and eggs.

    According to The Guardian, academics at the university have been studying 1,000 chickens since last January at an organic farm in Lampang in the north of Thailand to see how the animals responded when cannabis was mixed into their feed or water.

    Where it all started

    As per a report by The Straits Times, Sirin Chaemthet, president of the Peth Lanna community enterprise, said that the experiment was conducted in cooperation with Chiang Mai University's Faculty of Agriculture.

    She said farmers opted for marijuana after their brood was found to be suffering from avian bronchitis despite being injected with antibiotics.

    The farmers found that when chickens were fed with cannabis, they developed higher immunity against diseases as well as were better able to withstand inclement weather.

    Pretty significant news for the planet, how about feeding it to all mammals on earth as well.

    Food for thought...
    scratcho and Tyrsonswood like this.
  2. scratcho

    scratcho Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Ain't nothing better than a bunch a' chickens gettin' high!:D
  3. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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    If the farmers were also smoking the bud, of course they would say the chickens tasted better...
    scratcho likes this.

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