Amazing garden

Discussion in 'Gardening' started by mmelody, Jun 6, 2004.

  1. mmelody

    mmelody Member

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    Ive just come home from a week away and my garden looks AMAZING! :)
    Just felt the need to share..My sunflower seedings which were tiny a week ago have almost quadrupled in size and my herb garden is looking (and smelling) divine. My roses have flowered and my tomato plant has doubled in size.
    Im going to spend the day fussing over it and moving pots around.
    Also while I was man has assembled a lots of plotting and planning ahead with ways to fill it! :)
  2. Spiral Sea

    Spiral Sea Member

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    it's nice to see how a garden can transform in such a short time :sunglasse
    the last 2 weeks we have had some great weather for the garden on this side of the world,the balanced amounts of light,temperature and rain really helps alot with creating a piece of paradise :)

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