so my new workplace is mostly filled with people that are decades in age away from me. except for on the weekends when we have a few hot girls come in. one of them is a waitress the others are hostesses. the waitress is awesome. i'd give her a 9 out of 10 on looks and a 10 out of 10 on personality. on friday i hit on her and all she really had to say was "sorry." but then the next day i could tell she was slightly set back but was still very friendly and flirty. it was a long night having to deal with this girl still wanting attention from me after she had just turned me down. sometimes after work we drink. she even joined me for a few drinks after work on saturday night. the crowd that was drinking was a few couples, and the other older single people that work there. when she came out to hang out with us she sat down next to me. which i thought was significant because all of the other couples were sitting together too and it made an impression on our coworkers. flirting with this girl every weekend is going to drive me crazy if she won't date me. i work too much to find other girls outside of work. we all do. so she is basically my only option right now. should I wait it out and hope that she comes on to me? or wait it out and try to get her to go on a date with me again? or maybe i just need to find a new job before i lose all semblances of my sanity?
Most girls I know really ADORE being dated because they're "basically ... [the] only option right now"
^in other words they are constantly looking to ''trade up''? what a shock...... dude should just forget her....if she likes him she will attempt to get his attention...if not....he shouldn't be banging babes from work anyway try to look to the future when you have banged 2 or 3 of will be awful
She turned you down but she knows you like her which makes her instantly feel comfortable around you, therefore she is friend zoning you, not flirting with you. Sorry bro
I took it that the dude is the option.....I don't thin anything is obvious about that post....I could tell you what is obvious about your post though...
yea so her friendliness toward me now is not a good sign? great because i really need more women that i have hit on that want to be my friends in my life. ^that was sarcasm
Well yeah, how clear did she actually turned Desos down. On what answer did she say 'sorry'? If that was really clear I might be thinking she is just being friendly too. Otherwise I'd say she is teasing or leaving it open at least, but it is hard to interprete a person with certainty when we have never seen or met her of course.
i can't even remember her first answer because it was so disapointing. but it something like "i'm sorry." then i said, "so no then?" and she said, "yeah i'm sorry." then she helped me close up the restaurant and i got out of there. she was nice about it. yes she is my only option. i work 6 nights a week and the other girls there are under age or 30 years older than me. it doesn't help to add to the fact that i'm one of two guys that work there and the 50 year old sisterhood that runs the place is obviously trying to fuck with my mind. they even tease us sometimes and try to put us together.
hey rolling...thanks for the plus rep... I know I'm a prick, but please explain how this is not "fucking obvious"?
unless youre planning on quitting your job or you think she will quit soon enough. dont shag women you work with. dont bring your work home. and dont bring your home to work. even a NSA relationship eventually becomes tired in knots =O shit never works out. dating people you work with is like transitional dating cause the home dating didnt work out.. simple rule actually, unless youre highly mature and can work with your partner. I doubt that to be true, because your single and venting your frustrations over the interboob. cell phones keep people connected, having a job you cant meet women.??. making excuses for yourself..
I could be wrong but if she clearly said no the first time around she is probably friend zoning you. Do you ever go out after work to places where you can meet other girls? she can't really be your only option..any bars open after your restaurant closes?
i leave work by 11 usually and midnight on the weekends so yea i guess i could go to the bars for a few hours. the owner of my restaurant even owns another bar that he said i could have free drinks at! but then the girls are just going to get mad at me because i can never hang out. which has already happened. my only free time is thursday, friday, & saturday night after 11-12pm and then the daytime one day a week. i even had a girl say she didn't want to hang out with me because i was so grumpy after work. i did get another job offer on friday too, one with less hours.
one "no" is not a good sign that she will change her mind. it's not impossible, but don't count on it.
I'd take the other job. To hell with those hours. And ya never wife turned me down pretty solidly and I eventually married her.
i could go to work next weekend and tell her i am quitting and i will probably never see her again and see how she reacts? lol