I have a strange problem, with my computer printer. It seems my ink is used up almost immediately. I would say it lasts one month, or maybe even less. And the prints come out wrinkled and inky. I am using the right ink cartridges, I know. I couldn't possibly use the wrong one. And I am installing it the right way, I know. The computer even assists me in doing that. Could I be using the wrong kind of paper? :daisy:
Sigh. I think I need to buy a printer. I keep strolling down to the UPS shop to print things for school. Do you think it is unrealistic to think that I could buy a used printer for like $20.00?
Yes.... You can. But don't. Whoever is selling it is doing that for a reason. Wait for Xmas sales, you can buy a new printer for less than it costs for the ink cartridges.
I tried to sell my used printer (which still worked really good) for that much on craigslist. Then dropped it even further. Nobody ever bought it.
I picked up my current wireless printer/fax/scanner Canon Prima MX472 with ink cartridges for like around $60.00 on sale somewhere. My old printer needed ink and it would have cost me $50 just for the ink. So I upgraded to wireless and got a fax machine that I never hardly use! You can get a Canon Prima MX472 on the net for $42.74 with free shipping.
Ink jets don't give a damn about what type of paper it's spitting on. You printer settings is what matter. Put your default print settings on DRAFT MODE to use the least amount of ink possible.