Am I Having Partly Out of Body Experiences?

Discussion in 'Random Thoughts' started by Amethyst87F, Nov 1, 2017.

  1. Amethyst87F

    Amethyst87F JesF35

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    For at least the past 6 years I've had "here and there" what I think may be the beginning or part of what I think may be out of body experiences. Basically what usually has happened is that I'll be laying in bed maybe sleep or very groggy and I'll feel my arms moving and believe that they are moving. Then I'll realize that my real arms haven't moved at all. The last time I remember this happening it wasn't just my arms. I was laying in bed and I actually felt my upper body sitting up typing. I kept coming to enough to realize that my actual body was still laying down.

    I will mention that I haven't seen my Father since I was 6 or 7. I won't get into the backstory about that. I'm 30 now. I was told about 7 years ago that he was able to have out of body experiences.

    I'm not even sure what they are exactly. I've wondered though if I somehow inherited this ability from him (???) I've wondered if what I have described is the beginning of of being able to have full out of body experiences.

    I'm not sure if I want to develop this capability if that's what it is.

    What do you think?
  2. Americunt

    Americunt Corporate Hack

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    The weirdest thing I've had that's kind of like that is have a shared dream with someone on the other side of the country.
  3. tumbling.dice

    tumbling.dice Visitor

    I know as I get older I have more and more 'Out Of Mind Experiences.'
    GLENGLEN and themnax like this.
  4. Amethyst87F

    Amethyst87F JesF35

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    This experience happened again last night.

    I had been laying in bed waiting to fall asleep but kept craving cigarettes. At least twice it seemed like I was out on my porch smoking. Then I'd snap out of it and realize I was still actually in bed.
  5. Amethyst87F

    Amethyst87F JesF35

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    That's really interesting. - I've heard about this happening.

    In Greek mythology Morpheus is the King of Dreams. -- If he does exist he may of been the one to give you both this shared dream.

    You and this person may have some sort of sub-concious connection.

    It could also have been a dream given by GOD or some other divine being. -- I know in
    The Holy Bible people were supposedly given dreams from either GOD or Angels. (I cannot remember which from.)
    Americunt likes this.
  6. Flashdown

    Flashdown Members

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    Sounds like asteral projection/travel, it's where your "astral body" seperate from your physical body. I know two people who claim to be able to do it.

    I tested the one person who said he could do astral viewing. We where in his home and my wife 11 000km away in the UK. He told me exactly where she was in her home and even the objects around her. I called her straight away and as sure as shit he was spot on!
  7. wilsjane

    wilsjane Nutty Professor HipForums Supporter

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    I believe that it is all confusion caused when oxygen levels in the brain start to fall, causing confusion and delusional activity. It easily explains dreams and 'near death' experiences. Nightmares may also be the bodies natural safety valve, since they cause the release of Adrenalin that will increase heart rate and blood supply to the brain.
    Possible connections to your father could simply be linked to hereditary cardiac conditions.

    I see telepathy, reincarnation and inherited talents as part of our brain that science has yet to understand. I also see DNA as an important part of the picture. We accept that we can have our fathers nose and our mothers feet, but never seem to consider whose brain we have, or who filled it with data.
    Following this theory, leads me to believe that the strange places in our dreams have existed and somehow the data is deep inside our brain. This is one possible explanation for reincarnation theories.

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