I expirienced MDMA for the first time two years ago when I went parting in Ibiza.A friend of mine was well expirienced with drugs and she told me how and how much I need to take so it was great.And since then I can not go to a techno party without take any.Many times happend to take only extasy but that because I didnt have MDMA.I dont like it so much I thonk that the Molly just give me a more special vibes.Any way I ve been taken MDMA like 7-8 times till now and maybe 3 or 4 times after the high kick when it s allmost leave me part of my lips swelled and its so ugly .Not alll the lips only the left side or only the top.Its so weird .When happend for the second time I thought that maybe when I am taking it I have to avoid to tuch my lips because I am swolow it with water.But even if I do that sometimes happend.Is it because I am alergic or something else .I want to mention that I ve been taking pure Molly as a cristal nothing like powder.I also sometimes take one extasy and two hours after I cick with some MDMA and when I am doing that my lips doesnt swelled after.But I realy prefere take only MDMA so any one knows is that mean that its bad for me and I have to stop taking it?
I have not heard of such an allergic reaction. Are you sure what you have is MDMA? Have you tested it? Crystal/powder can be misrepresented just like Ecstasy pills. My guess would be that It's from bruxism. (Jaw grinding) Some people experience this side effect more than others even with pure MDMA, and you may not be aware of it.
It was cristal I am sure.it was not powdery and it was hard cristal .I lock so fucked up nut any way I spend most of my recovering time away of the normal people (u know what I mean) so it doest bothers me a lot.
And I will tell u my friend it had all the reactions of MDMA .I even almost end up with a girl witch was on MD also fucking the music with her.It was insane.
I am a girl and I was like crazy going in love with a girl that was on my drug a t that night and all that nice touch feeling that only we know it was like we are having three some with the DJ.and it is the same feeling everytime so it can not be something elae than an MDMA? Can I do a test if I am alergic?
Fair enough... I don't know of any tests to check for allergies for MDMA. Seeing how you say that it happens when you're coming down, I really think you are probably chewing on your lip and grinding your teeth. In the US, some ravers wear binkies in their mouth to prevent this from happening, I usually chew gum which I find helps. But as I said some people are kind of unaware of this effect.
It is possible but very unlikely you are allergic. With any drug there is always a small number of people who have a bad reaction. I do not think you are allergic though.
do you take it in a cap or does the actual substance contact with your tongue and then lips? I would say that could be the cause being how oily it is.
I used to role it a little bit in my mouth but when I had the second time that happend I just decided the third time to just swallow it fast without tuching my lips and I didnt have a problem but the last time happend again .I really dont like snoring it because I ve did a couple of times cocke and my nose bleeded so dont like doing that.Any ideas how to take it avoiding a touch .
I am interested about the napkin.Because I dont really have time to capsulate it because I am buying it an hour before I go rave so.....maybe I can take a napkin from the bar....jajajjaja.Can u tell me how just put it in the napkin and swollow .Is that make it slowlier comi g the effect or its the same .Have u donw that?